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Heather MacFayden and her family (Facebook)

Being a mom is challenging. Doing it alone is scary.

Heather MacFadyen, author and podcast host of Don't Mom Alone, says that community and God are key to helping parents through the difficult journey of parenting. 

"Faith takes on a new lens in parenting because we don't have this formula. So we do have to trust that God is bigger than our mistakes. That we're not powerful enough to harm our kids or make a choice of the wrong school that our God isn't capable of redeeming," MacFadyen explains. "We have to get off the throne of thinking we are God or making our kids idols and shaping and moulding them so we look really good and they're our trophy children."

MacFadyen says we need to be vulnerable and open to community.

"As my kids are becoming adults, I’m becoming a mom. Learning right alongside them. I need just as much patience and grace for my own maturation process as they do. Maybe you need that reminder too," says MacFayden. "You wouldn’t expect a newborn to walk out of the womb. Free yourself from the expectations that you will know exactly what to do in every scenario. Take each stage as it comes... trust that God’s power to redeem your mistakes is bigger than your power to destroy your children. Are you ready to move forward? Take my hand; let’s do this together and not mom alone."

Today on Connections, Heather shares her hardest, most vulnerable mom moments and shows how you can be empowered by God, supported by others, and connected with your children.  
