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“God, where are you?” Throughout her life, Tasha Layton found herself asking this question time and again.

In her first book, Look What You’ve Done: The Lies We Believe & The Truth That Sets Us Free, Tasha reveals intimate stories from her incredible spiritual and musical journey and the lies that she had to confront along the way.

"Scripture says we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony," said Tasha. "I think when you're really honest about your testimony, it makes people feel not alone. And then they feel like they can share their story, and they can overcome some of the same things."

From depression to suicide, Tasha experienced it all, but she says God found her and pulled her back into his arms. 

"I'd grown up in church and had nothing but positive experiences until I was a teenager, and then I was really wounded in the church by a leader."

This lead her down a path of destruction and soul searching until she finally found God again in her 30s.

"I think I was confused as to why I'd grown up in the church. I had gone to seminary and been a worship leader, yet I still didn't feel free. I didn't know why I didn't feel free. I was very frustrated by that," Layton explained. "And sitting on a counsellor's couch at 30 years old, I realized I have been living through the lenses of lies in my life and didn't even know it."

Tasha now walks in the joy and freedom of Jesus and inspires others to recognize God’s presence in both the highs and the lows of their life.

Today on Connections, Tasha shares how her book Look What You’ve Done: The Lies We Believe & The Truth That Sets Us Free will inspire you to walk in boldness and love, sharing the goodness of God revealed in your life.
