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Tuzee is an emerging R&B pop singer-songwriter. She is also a full-time nurse.

Born and raised in Liberia, West Africa, Tuzee is now a proud Canadian who loves music and has been singing her entire life.

"My whole family sang. My dad sang for church, and my mom did too," said Tuzee." I'm one of seven kids. We had a loud house."

Tuzee said when she decided to move to Canada, singing became a passion.

"I kept singing. And I got into songwriting," said Tuzee. "I started writing when I started committing to work."

She says music was an oasis during incredible times of suffering.

"Back in Libera, there were a few wars, and like everything you knew, all of a sudden, was taken away from you completely," said Tuzee. "Despite that, we're still a grateful nation, even though it has gone way down. God provides even in the war."

Tuzee calls music her happy place as it reconnects her to the past and the present and helps her embrace the future.

She hopes her music inspires people from all walks of life. 

Tuzee recently released her debut album, Alive. The album features ten powerful and uplifting songs, including her debut single, 'Change is on the Way.'

Today on Connections, Tuzee shares where her passion for music started, the story behind her debut single and how she connects her music to her nursing career.
