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 If recent world events have taught us anything, it’s that life doesn’t always look the way we want it to look.

Author Mandy Hale says that while we can’t control the curveballs life throws at us, we can control our response to them. We can choose to loosen our grip on what we think life is “supposed” to be and embrace life for exactly what it is–messiness and mayhem and all. We can choose to stubbornly turn toward the sun, even as the storm rages around us.

That surrender, Hale says, is where true happiness and peace lie.

With insights born from her own hard-won battles, she turns her attention (and her sizable wit) to showing you what she’s learned about letting go of the desire to control everything in life. With the honesty and authenticity she’s known for, Hale inspires you to stop striving, live in the moment, sit with your experiences, and trust God with the unknown.

If you’ve felt depleted or despairing as you’ve wrestled with circumstances beyond your control, you will find in Mandy a kind and trustworthy guide through the storm.
