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PortageOnline's own Robert Voesenek

Hi, I’m Robert Voesenek, your Celebrate Summer host! I’ve lived in the Portage area my whole life and have been glad to be a part of the Portage Online team throughout high school before COVID. Now I’m back on the team and ready to travel all over the region and attend all the summer events I can possibly get to.   

I am very excited to have the following events on my schedule already and I will be broadcasting live on our three radio stations and posting all my adventures and photos here on Portage Online!  

  • The Macgregor Fair on June 23rd   

  • The Portage Ex on July 7-9  

  • Thresherman's Reunion and Stampede on July 27-30 

  • Portage Potato Festival on August 11-12 


There are going to be a lot more events I’ll be at and even though we can't go to every event, we can try to be at as many as possible! 

If you see me at any event, please come up, introduce yourself and say hello. Put your name in our draw box, and you could be a big winner! After many events being called off or scaled back the past few summers, we are hoping this year will be the best one yet. Let's Celebrate Summer Manitoba!   

I hope to see you out at these events this summer! 

Author Alias