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Agassiz Chamber Music Festival is officially underway.  

Presenting top notch performances by both Manitoba-based and internationally renowned artists, the weeklong celebration of chamber music features a wide variety of genres, formats and composers.  

Two first-time participants, violist Ásdís Valdimarsdóttir and cellist Mick Stirling, feature prominently in the programming.  

Based in the Netherlands, Valdimarsdóttir is on faculty at the Royal Conservatory of the Hague and Stirling serves as principal cello of the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra.    

Learn more about their involvement in Agassiz, Stirling’s longstanding friendship with festival artistic director Paul Marleyn, and the joys of making chamber music in the full interview below!  



Agassiz Chamber Music Festival runs from Sunday, June 4 through Saturday, June 10.  

For tickets and more details, visit: www.agassizfestival.com  
