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Fiction author from Steinbach, Shaylin Klassen.
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Fiction author from Steinbach, Shaylin Klassen. (Supplied)

Shaylin Klassen from Steinbach has published her first Christian YA novel in a trilogy, called The Headspace

"It's a young adult coming of age novel and it focuses on a teenage boy who grew up in an abusive home. Throughout the course of the book, it shows how he is trying to heal from that," says Klassen. 

While she has put out a few eBooks before this, The Headspace is Klassen's first self-published book available in hardcopy also. 

As far as where this idea came from, Klassen says, "my eyes have been opened to a lot of the stuff going on around me and how we're all broken. I wanted to express that in a novel form and show other people that they're not alone and that there's hope."

The main character, Jordy Thompson, is an eighteen-year-old boy with dreams of one day becoming a singer. He'll have to battle his past trauma to do so. 

"When I write, there is a character that needs to be the main character and for some reason this story, the main character needed to be a male."

Klassen says she is well into writing the second book of the trilogy at this point.

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