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As a young teenager, Christian hip-hop artist, Wande lacked confidence and often chased the approval of others by following the latest trends or behaviours of her peers. Upon discovering an interest in Christian rap music, the development of her faith and the direction of her future changed completely.

Born in Nigeria, where the culture is roughly 50% Christian and 50% Muslim, Wande had both influences in her home. She felt drawn to Christianity, despite her father’s deep disapproval. Her curiosity about God led her to search on the internet for Christian rap, the first result of which was the song "Prayin' for You," by Grammy Award-winning Artist Lecrae. She was instantly inspired and wanted to find more faith-filled hip-hop music like it.

A ninth-grade class assignment gave Wande the opportunity to present a project in rap form. The positive response she received from classmates boosted her confidence and inspired her to begin using the genre as a vehicle to share her story.

“My faith is the core of my music,” said Wande. “It’s the reason behind what I do and without it, my music wouldn’t be the same.”

Wande’s journey to signing her first contract with a recording label involved overcoming self-doubt, learning to trust God’s voice and standing up for herself amid the expectations of the culture. Upon choosing to be unashamed as a follower of Jesus, an artist and woman, she was able to step into the plans the Lord had for her.

“This love that I was chasing in people and in friends and in validation from other people, God had it all along,” shares Wande. “The Bible verse that says the Lord has plans far beyond what you could think or imagine is honestly very true for my life.”

Today, Wande aspires to mentor other women in finding their confidence and hopes her journey will make it easier for other female rappers to pursue a career in the highly male-dominated Christian hip-hop genre. 

Wande is now sharing her source of joy and confidence in a new  I Am Second Film, Already Enough.

To watch “Already Enough: The Joy Behind Wande’s Confidence,” visit iamsecond.com/film/wande.
