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Tasha Layton/ Facebook

Tasha Layton has released a new song and hopes it reaches those feeling alone.

'Never', released on June 23, was produced by Layton's Grammy and Dove Award Winning husband, Keith Everette Smith.

The powerful track highlights the hope and healing found only in Christ. 

"When our tears and knees both hit the ground, and we're feeling the weight of life, sometimes we're tempted to think God has forgotten us,” shares Layton of the song’s message. “Has He forgotten the desire of my heart? ‘God, I see you working in other people's lives, but what about mine?’ My prayer is that this song serves as a reminder that you are never forgotten, never forsaken and never abandoned. That God is close to you at this exact moment. Whatever you are going through will never be wasted."

This is the first single that Layton has released since 'How Far' came out 11 months ago. She has also since released he first book, Look What You’ve Done: The Lies We Believe & The Truth That Sets Us Free.
