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In 1455, Gutenberg’s printing press changed the world.

Books – like the Bible – could be mass-produced for the first time ever, making Scripture more accessible. The Protestant Reformation followed shortly thereafter.

Wycliffe USA V.P. Andrew Flemming says we’re at a similar time in history right now.

“God is on the move. There is more active Bible translation going on in the world than has ever happened before,” Flemming says.

“It’s no mistake that artificial intelligence is coming along at this very moment, and we need to take advantage of that.”

Like the Gutenberg press, A.I. could make Scripture more accessible by making the translation process more efficient.

“As A.I. and other tools become better and better, it’s going to reduce the overall time [required] for translations to be done,” Flemming says.

“We’re looking for ways to deploy A.I. efficiently; [using] generative A.I. to produce a draft is something that we’re absolutely exploring.”

Will robots soon replace missionaries? “There is always going to be a human in the loop,” Flemming assures.

Bible translation is a complex endeavour, and “you want a theologically-trained individual or group to be able to read and understand the accuracy, clarity, [and] understandability of the text that’s being created.”

“If there are interests, giftings, and abilities that you’d be interested in potentially using for God’s kingdom, we’d love to find a place for you,” Flemming says.


This story originally appeared at Mission Network News and is republished here with permission.
