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Jordan Janzen, lead singer of the Color in newest music video.
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Jordan Janzen, lead singer of the Color in their newest music video. (Screenshot: The Color/YouTube)

Canadian Christian band The Color is releasing a brand new song and music video for their latest work, 'Call of the Wild.'

"It's a song that touches on some of the things that happen when you're more of a kid, the wonder that exists in your life. For me, if I look back on life and my faith journey, there are moments I can reflect on when things were a little more exciting," says Jordan Janzen, the lead singer of the group.

Janzen has once more received a little of that wonder as he and his wife welcomed their first son into the world one month ago. 

"Life happens and some of those things slip away. It's about my journey but I think it's relatable to a lot of people, where you have this excitement about Christ and your faith, but it's a journey of ups and downs, ebbs and flows. This song speaks to that desire to walk in that life of wonder."

'Call of the Wild' was released May 6, 2021.

"To be in His presence and to be aware of His presence is to be, I think, in that state of wonder."

The video was shot in the Pembina Valley in Manitoba near Janzen's home and includes a younger version of himself.

"The mini-me, his name is Dawson and he is not a relative of anyone in the band. The production team, it was one of their nephews, and he did an amazing job."

The Color is putting on another 'Deep Dive' online concert series over eight weeknights starting May 31. 

"We're trying to be creative with our touring content. We've been a band for almost 10 years with a lot of songs we've written and we'll go over the whole spectrum," he says. 

While no two shows will be alike, Janzen says the feel will be a relaxed, candid concert while the band talks about the meaning of songs in between. 

"It's been a new season for us. We've been able to pour so much time into creating content and really feel like God has blessed us with a lot of songs that will hopefully impact a lot of people."

The band will be releasing their new album in October 2021. 
