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Between 2009 and 2013, Tara Shannon experienced more grief than most people experience in a lifetime. 

She experienced a miscarriage, the end of her marriage, the loss of both of her parents, and a cancer diagnosis. To top it all off, while on medical leave from work, her job was also terminated.

All of these circumstances left Tara in a dark, cold and lonely place, but she knew sooner or later she would have to work through all of her feelings.  

It was art and writing that eventually helped Tara to reach the place she is in today. It started with a simple illustration of a rabbit. Later, Tara added the character Bear, which she describes as a combination of her parents, grandparents, and a wiser version of herself.

When the pandemic hit, Shannon posted one of her illustrations of Rabbit and Bear with a short dialogue. It said:

"I'm afraid," said Rabbit.

"What are you afraid of?" asked Bear.

"I don't know," replied Rabbit. "I just am."

"Then I will sit with you until you're not afraid anymore," said Bear.

"We will face it together."

This message resonated with thousands of people around the world as it helped them cope with the uncertainty and anxiety that comes with a global pandemic.

Tara's work has caught the eye of more than just the general public. She has received responses from parents with ill children, widows and widowers, people suffering from mental or physical illnesses or who have lost ones they love, people who have long struggled with grief, and people who are experiencing the pain of anxiety and depression and loss during this pandemic. 

Tara has now released a graphic novel filled with inspirational messages and beautiful illustrations. It's titled Rabbit & Bear Make a Wish.

Today on Connections, Tara shares her amazing story and the inspiration behind her new book.

