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With parents involved in worship ministry, Sarah Kroger’s love for music was sparked at a young age, but the impact of bullying and her struggle with anxiety and shyness hid her musical gift for years.

Everything changed when she met Jesus in an intimate encounter through worship at a youth conference.

“Worship became my language with God,” she explains. “It allowed me to communicate with the Lord in a way I hadn’t experienced before, there was something about it that opened my heart.”

Realizing that music was a gift she desired to give back to the Lord, Kroger began exploring worship leading from then on.

Her courage grew along the way and opened up an exciting journey of passionately leading worship for events around the world, drawing people from a variety of cultures and church backgrounds under the banner of Jesus for the past ten years. 

"I was convicted that God gave me this gift and there was a reason for it and that it wasn't just meant for me," says Sarah.

She has since gone on to release four albums, including her latest, Light.

Kroger described her experience with her new album Light as “eye-opening”. With it being her first album released through a label, she got to experience new facets of the Christian music community. Whereas her previous albums were crafted alongside Catholic writers, ‘Light’ got her collaborating with mainly protestant writers.

"The kindness, love and conversations shared through the whole process intertwined the experience of unity and vulnerability at the center of this project," says Kroger.

Sarah was also recently involved with the Faithful Project alongside other artists including Amy Grant, Ellie Holcomb, Savannah Locke and Rachael Lampa.

"Basically what we did is we dove into stories of various women throughout scripture and dove into their story of God's faithfulness in their life and related it to our own walks of faith and journies and wrote songs and a book based off of that," Sarah explains.

Today on Connections, Sarah shares a bit about her experience working on the Faithful Project, her amazing journey into music and what it's like to be a Catholic worship leader.
