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I still remember in my early school years going to the gym for our Remembrance Day Service. One in particular stands out as I was sitting near the principal of our school and while the service itself was typical, her response certainly was different than what I had experienced before. I remember looking up at her as a young girl and seeing a tear trickle down her face. I had always seen her as a strong woman that enforced proper conduct in our school but never had I seen this side of her that seemed sad. I remember asking her why she was crying and her answer has stayed with me 50+ years later! She looked at me and said, “my brother died in the war”. Somehow this brought the reality of war and death a little closer to a young student. The sacrifice that was made for my freedom suddenly had “skin on” because it directly affected someone that I knew. I am so grateful for all the men and women that counted the cost and went! They fought for something that I pray we never loose sight of, the incredible value of our freedom!  

We have a Saviour as well that counted the cost and gave His life for our salvation. That too can become merely a fact we have come to know instead of a truth that has been experienced for ourselves. Jesus left His home in Heaven to fight the war for our own souls through His death on the cross. Because of sin we had no access to God or a heavenly home but He bought our freedom and forgiveness of sin through His death and His resurrection!

I once read about a soldier who was hiding out in some back country as he was the last remaining soldier of his battalion and was now lost. When his fellow comrades finally discovered him, the lost soldier began fighting back, believing the war was not over and that these men were there to attack and capture him. These men were finally able to get the message through to him, “You can go home! The war has been won!”

What powerful words those must have been. The war has been won!  

We ourselves can still be trying to fight a battle against hopelessness and sin but our Lord Jesus Christ says, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest” Matthew 11:28  

The battle has been won and the victory is ours to claim. I pray that as you reflect on Remembrance Day you will also reflect on the greatest gift of love and sacrifice through Jesus Christ. Jesus has paid the price for our sin and upon acceptance of that, we have the gift of eternal life.

Romans 6:23 states, “For the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord”

Have you received this free but costly gift from God? The war has been won!

-Heather Block

Author Alias