RM's calling for tax relief at the gas pump

Rising fuel costs are putting RMs in a financial pinch

Ray Orb, President of the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities says the increase in gas prices is having a big impact on RM's as they try to maintain roads with heavy equipment that use substantial amounts of fuel.

"The cost of fuel has never been higher, and the ripple effect of high prices is exceptionally frustrating for rural municipalities, the increased cost of fuel directly impacts a municipalities' day-to-day operations as well as their budgets."

Cattle require good mineral program

After coming through a challenging winter, its important to make sure cattle are on a good mineral program. 

Saskatchewan Livestock and Feed Extension Specialist Travis Peardon says in order for a cow to calve at the same time next year she must rebreed within 80-83 days after calving. 

He notes having a good nutrition program is fundamental.

Canadian beekeepers suffer higher than usual winterkill numbers

The Chair of the Canadian Honey Council says it was a great summer for bees last year, but it was also great for growing Varroa mites.

Jake Berg says Varroa mites are a major biosecurity threat that has led to a major decline in the bee population over the winter.

"Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario are all talking about kind of 45 per cent losses as an average. Quebec is probably the hardest hit with about 60 per cent loss on average, and Saskatchewan is sitting at about 30 per cent, I believe at the moment. Typically, we expect 20 to 25 per cent as a high number."

A growing number of Saskatchewan RM's are being designated disaster areas

Severe weather this Spring posed serious problems for livestock producers, with a number reporting losses during the heavy snow storms that hit Maple Creek and the southeast corner of the Province.

The Provincial Disaster Assistance Program (PDAP) helps producers who have experienced significant financial losses due to extreme weather.

SARM President Ray Orb says affected rural municipalities need to be declared a disaster area.

Cow market sees gains in 2022

Cattlemen have seen a strong recovery in the first quarter of 2022 in the slaughter cow price.

Anne Wasko, a Market Analyst with Gateway Livestock, says the first-quarter average was in the mid-80s, while in April we saw D2 cows trading in the high 90s, and up over $1 as well.

"That's been a big move since the start of the year, where they were 75 cents in early January. So big move on slaughter cow prices."

CCGA says sustainability is more than environmental

The Federal Government recently announced Canada's goal of reducing fertilizer emissions by 30 percent for on-farm use by 2030.

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada recently held a town hall industry consultation focusing on that announcement.

Rick White, President and CEO of the Canadian Canola Growers Association, says fertilizer is critical to farming operations, and they need to realize that sustainability is more than environmental.

CCA says Budget 2022 recognizes Canada's ability to be a global agricultural leader

The Canadian Cattlemen's Association (CCA) identified some key announcements in last week's federal budget for Agriculture.

The CCA says agriculture themes included supply chain resiliency, climate smart agriculture, labour, and key investments in rural infrastructure.

They also noted a commitment to continue investing in the Canadian Agriculture Partnership, which is to be renewed in 2023, is included.