Masks, capacity limits stay at Sioux Lookout facilities

The Municipality of Sioux Lookout is not moving in step with the rest of the province when it comes to the removal of masking and capacity limits in municipal facilities.

Sioux Lookout leadership says masking and capacity limits will remain in effect for municipal facilities such as the Recreation Centre, Sioux Lookout Memorial Arena and Sioux Lookout Memorial Airport, due to the high number of COVID-19 cases in the region.

‘It’s time for us to move on,’ Rickford on end of mask mandate

With COVID-19 cases continuing to drop across the province to lows that we haven’t seen since prior to the emergence of Omicron, Kenora-Rainy River MPP Greg Rickford says now was the right time to remove Ontario’s mask mandates.

“I think that it’s time for us to move on. It’s time for us to see each other’s [faces],” said Rickford. “We have to build our confidence back up as a society. We’ve taken a very cautious approach, I think the right one, and after two years we have to trust ourselves and our common sense.”

Mandatory mask mandate ends after 586 days in NWO

It’s been 586 days.

That’s how long northwestern Ontario residents have been ordered to wear a mask in indoor public settings, with the directive being issued by the Northwestern Health Unit back on August 12 of 2020.

One year, seven months and nine days later, mask mandates in most indoor public settings have ended in Ontario as of this morning. Provincially, the mask mandate issued across Ontario on October 3, 2020, was in effect for a total of 534 days.

Ottawa scraps pre-entry COVID-19 tests to cross border

The government of Canada is making it that much easier for travellers to come to Canada, with the goal of boosting tourism across the country. 

The federal government announced yesterday that effective April 1, fully vaccinated travellers will no longer need to provide a pre-entry COVID-19 test result to enter Canada by air, land or water.

Ontario monitoring new Omicron sub-variant

Leadership within the province of Ontario says they are keeping a close eye on the BA.2 sub-variant that is causing havoc in some parts of the world.

Ontario Minister of Health and Deputy Premier, Christine Elliott said in a press conference on Tuesday, the province's top doctor is examining the situation.

“Dr. Moore is studying it. We expect that it may be the 50 per cent of the cases we have in Ontario within the next short period of time,” said Elliott.

Here's some tips on travelling during uncertain times

**Please note the federal government is expected to give an announcement about the removal of testing before and after travel later this week. 

Although restrictions have lifted in Alberta, it’s still a little bit tricky to determine just what exactly you will need to hop on a plane to visit loved ones or even go on a vacation. Kahla Rakai, Manager at Direct Travel Service in Ponoka answered a couple of questions about travelling during these uncertain times.