Town hall will focus on pregnancy, fertility and COVID-19 vaccines

Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw will be hosting a telephone town hall along with Dr. Eliana Castillo, Clinical Associate Professor at the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary. It will take place on, Wednesday, October 27 from 6:15 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. The session is meant to answer questions from expectant parents, new parents, and those planning to become pregnant with regards to the COVID vaccines.

Province Extends Current Public Health Orders, Announces Pan-Canadian Proof of Vaccination Credential

Current public health orders have been extended for an additional three weeks with the goal of maintaining Manitoba’s positive response to the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Health and Seniors Care Minister Audrey Gordon and Dr. Brent Roussin, chief provincial public health officer, announced today.

COVID-19 Oct 22 - Oct 25: 57 New Cases in Prairie Mountain Health

Public health officials advise two new deaths in people with COVID-19 are being reported today:

a male in his 70s from the Southern Health-Sante Sud health region (reported Saturday) linked to an unspecified variant of concern; and
a male in his 80s from the Interlake-Eastern health region (reported Sunday) linked to an unspecified variant of concern.

Melillo disagrees with recent COVID-19 vaccination policy announced by the House of Commons

After a recent decision by a small committee of MPs, the federal Conservative party has come out in opposition against the new COVID-19 vaccination policy announced by the House of Commons. 

On Tuesday, October 19, 2021, it was announced by the Board of Internal Economy, a committee made up of nine cross-party MPs in House leadership roles, that anyone entering the House of Common as of November 22, 2021, when the 44th Parliament commences, must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.   

Town hall will focus on pregnancy, fertility and COVID-19 vaccines

Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw will be hosting a telephone town hall along with Dr. Eliana Castillo, Clinical Associate Professor at the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary. It will take place on, Wednesday, October 27 from 6:15 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. The session is meant to answer questions from expectant parents, new parents, and those planning to become pregnant with regards to the COVID vaccines.

Kiiwetinoong region feeling effects of optometrist negotiations

The negotiations between the provincial government and Ontario optometrists are still ongoing and either side has yet to come to an agreement.

These negotiations have left millions of children and seniors without proper OHIP-insured eye care, as all 2,500 optometrists across Ontario stopped providing OHIP-insured eye care on September 1 as a form of a strike against the government.

Hospitalizations, Active Cases Down In Saskatchewan

The provincial government reported 231 new cases of COVID-19 Saturday and five deaths connected to the virus. With 322 recoveries reported, there are now 3,040 active cases across the province.  

Throughout Saskatchewan, there are 288 people in hospital receiving treatment, 77 of whom are in intensive care. The number of people in ICU is down by three from Friday, and the overall number of people hospitalized is down by 20 from Friday. 

So far, no spike in COVID-19 cases following Thanksgiving

Alberta has added 656 new COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours with a positivity rate of around six per cent.

Hospitalizations decreased by 23 to 889 and ICU admissions also decreased by 10 for a total of 191.

Of those in ICU, 89.5 per cent are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated.

Sadly, another 12 deaths have been reported bringing the total deaths in the province to 3,026.

In her live update yesterday, Dr. Hinshaw encouraged all Albertans to exercise caution with Halloween coming up next weekend.