Lacombe student contributes to Canadian Youth Climate Manifesto

A student from École Secondaire Lacombe Composite High School has played a pivotal role in crafting the Canadian Child Climate Manifesto 2024, a comprehensive document outlining youth demands for climate action. 

Broc Johnson, 16, a dedicated member of his school's Environmental Club, Ecovision, was instrumental in the creation of the manifesto, which aims to address critical climate issues facing Canada and the world.

Johnson's journey into environmental advocacy began in the classroom of his teacher, Steve Schultz, who invited him to join the Ecovision Club.

Lacombe student joins Premier at 2024 Trades and Technologies Summit

A Lacombe Grade 12 student joined Alberta’s Premier at a summit that highlighted trades and technology in education. 

Sophia Vilcsak, a senior at École Lacombe Composite High School, represented Wolf Creek Public Schools (WCPS) at the College of Alberta School Superintendents’ (CASS) 2024 Trades and Technologies Summit on May 14.

WCPS’ Board of Trustees honours Rimbey students for skating rink project

The very essence of dedication is a combination of devotion and time. Some things don’t happen overnight and the commitment to see them through can be rare. But for a trio of Rimbey students, their perseverance to see a new outdoor skating rink for Rimbey never wavered. 

Reed Tousaint, Tavish Beagle, and Dutch Felt were honoured in February by Wolf Creek Public Schools’ Board of Trustees for their efforts to bring a new outdoor rink to their community. It’s a honour a long time in the making, as the boys, now in Grade 11, started the project in Grade 6. 

Wolf Creek students seeing real benefits through Rock the Diploma

In a strategic move to enhance educational outcomes, Wolf Creek Public Schools (WCPS) has seen a notable improvement in diploma exam results following its ongoing partnership with Rock the Diploma, a renowned academic support program.

This collaboration comes after WCPS observed a five-year downward trend in both acceptable standards and standards of excellence in diploma exams from 2012 to 2016.