Farm show season is back, with St. Jean Farm Days returning today

Today marks the return of the self-proclaimed "Biggest little farm show in Canada". Postponed over the last two years, the 36th annual St. Jean Farm Days runs today and tomorrow (January 11th and 12th) at the St Jean Centennial Hall.

Organizer, Brunel Sabourin, says they are happy to be able to once again put on this event. Because it's one of the first farm show of the year, he noted it's quite popular with farmers and others in the industry.

Interest rate hikes nearing an end, believes Access CU President and CEO

There is an expectation that the Bank of Canada's interest rate hikes that we've seen over the past year or so, may be nearing an end. 

Larry Davey is the President and CEO for Access Credit Union, which has branches in Grunthal, Vita and Dominion City. He feels a majority of the big increases have already ended. 

New member rounds out Constable contingent at Altona Police Service

A new officer has been hired for the Altona Police Service, rounding out the department's constable contingent. 

Tristan Fournier-Jones' first day on the job was this past Tuesday. His hiring follows a series of promotions within the department following the September 1st retirement of former Chief Batchelor, explained Chief Dan Defer.

An unexpected flood, development make 2022 headlines in the R.M. of Morris

2022 saw a series of water and wastewater projects get underway in Rosenort. That includes the completion of a water plant storage and distribution system.

"I think that all went online this fall," said Reeve Scott Siemens. "So we went from twelve hours of water storage to three days worth in the event of a water outage upstream."

As for the lagoon expansion, all that's left is seed grass on the dikes come spring. 

Municipality of Rhineland Reeve, Don Wiebe, looks back on 2022

2022 started off with repeated Colorado Lows and heavy rains, setting the stage for a very different year. That from Don Wiebe, Reeve for the Municipality of Rhineland. 

"A lot of time and energy went in to clean-up and repairing roads, crossings, etc. The Border Road again, that repair alone was a big project because it really got tested in the spring flooding," said Wiebe. 

At the end of the day, the Municipality submitted a Disaster Financial Assistance claim as a result of the wet spring exceeding $6 million. 

Altona, Rhineland get one-on-one time with Infrastructure Minister

Council members from both the Town of Altona and Municipality of Rhineland recently had the opportunity to connect separately with Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Doyle Piwniuk. 

"It's always good to get the opportunity to talk directly to the minister-in-charge along with his staff," said Altona Mayor Harv Schroeder, adding Borderland MLA Josh Guenter also attended. 

BLSD fills trustee vacancies

There will be two new trustees around the Border Land School Division board table next month. 
Trustees have selected Bob Adolphe to fill a vacancy in Ward 2 - the Vita area, and Mike Friesen in Ward 7 - the Altona area after the two posts went unfilled following the October election. Those interested in the job were invited to submit expressions of interest to the school division. 

Adjustments made as Rhineland council moves ahead with Gretna Special Services Levy

Council for the Municipality of Rhineland is going ahead with an updated Special Services Levy for the L.U.D. of Gretna. 
The decision is three years in the making after discussion was tabled in late 2020, largely because of opposition from Mennonite Collegiate Institute officials claiming the added taxes would impose a financial hardship on the private Christian school. Members of the Gretna Bergthaler Church Council also voiced concerns.

Investigation underway after body found near railway tracks in Dominion City

Authorities are investigating after a body was found near the railroad tracks in Dominion City on Saturday morning.
Not many details have been released at this time, however RCMP say that a 30-year-old man from Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation was pronounced deceased at the scene. It is believed he was struck by a train overnight.
RCMP along with Canadian Pacific Railway continue to investigate.