Authorities confirm largest CBSA narcotics seizure ever on Canadian Prairies at Boissevain Port of Entry

It's being billed as the largest Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) seizure of illegal narcotics to ever occur in the Canadian Prairies, and it happened right here in Southern Manitoba. 

At a news conference in Winnipeg on Wednesday morning, authorities announced officers at the Boissevain Port of Entry discovered and seized 406 kilograms of suspected methamphetamine following a search of a commercial truck on January 14th. According to SFC Ken MacGregor, that's about 4 million illicit doses with a street value of over $50 million. 

Authorities confirm largest CBSA narcotics seizure ever on Canadian Prairies at Boissevain Port of Entry

It's being billed as the largest Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) seizure of illegal narcotics to ever occur in the Canadian Prairies, and it happened right here in Southern Manitoba. 

At a news conference in Winnipeg on Wednesday morning, authorities announced officers at the Boissevain Port of Entry discovered and seized 406 kilograms of suspected methamphetamine following a search of a commercial truck on January 14th. According to SFC Ken MacGregor, that's about 4 million illicit doses with a street value of over $50 million. 

SEED registers continued growth in Altona and Rhineland for 2023

The economic development officer for the Town of Altona and Municipality of Rhineland, Stephanie Harris, says it was great to see the growth that unfolded in the region last year.
In 2023, Harris met with over 80 new and existing entrepreneurs, resulting in 65 connections made and 36 new opportunities created. New opportunities include new business start-up, business expansions, business grant funding and hiring employees through the RNIP program.

Rhineland Reeve pleased to hear province is re-evaluating low level crossing policy

Officials with the Municipality of Rhineland are reflecting on a recent meeting with the Province's water, engineering and operations department. 

The session allowed local officials to outline their ongoing concerns regarding the maintenance and reconstruction of provincial drains. 

"The two we focused on, to make the point was, of course, the South Buffalo and the Aux Marais," explained Reeve Don Wiebe.

Altona Community Garden organizers expect to settle in and find a pace in 2024

After the addition of a pavilion, washroom facility and accessible garden beds, organizers of the Altona Community Garden are anticipating a more
relaxed year in 2024. 

Now that the main infrastructure is in place, spokesperson Jack Heppner expects 2024 to be a quieter year, allowing them to focus on the gardeners.

"Explosion" brings Carman area emergency crews to rural truck fire

Pembina Valley RCMP is investigating after emergency crews were called to an unknown explosion in the R.M. of Dufferin last Thursday night. 
When officers and fire fighters arrived on scene, a rural municipal road, they discovered an older model pick-up truck fully engulfed in flames, which were quickly doused. In speaking with those who called in the incident, RCMP believe the pops that were heard originated from the vehicle as it burned, noting officers also heard the sounds when they got to the scene.

Southern Health says 2022/23 had many reasons for celebration

Reimagining was the theme of Southern Health's 11th annual general meeting held virtually on Wednesday. 

2022/23 was a year marked with highlights and challenges for the health region, and officials are moving beyond the extraordinary challenges of recent times to reimagine what can be for all to thrive and flourish.