Blind spots and big rigs: SGI on sharing the road safely with oversized vehicles

Three highways pass through the city of Weyburn and with it a variety of vehicles, including those over-dimensions. These can be semi-trucks hauling over-sized loads or farming and maintenance equipment. 

 Micheala Solomon is the communications consultant for SGI. She explains the safety measures that should be taken when coming across oversize vehicles on the road, beginning with an emphasis on giving them space. 

Blind spots and big rigs: SGI on sharing the road safely with oversized vehicles

As oversized vehicles, such as semi-trucks hauling large loads or farm equipment, become more common on highways, it's important for drivers to be aware of the safety measures needed to navigate around them.

Micheala Solomon is the communications consultant for SGI. She explains the safety measures that should be taken when coming across oversize vehicles on the road, beginning with an emphasis on giving them space. 

Photo speed enforcement implemented to deter speeding, reduce collision fatalities

Motorists driving through high-speed areas or construction or school zones may notice signs indicating photo speed enforcement (PSE). SGI has an implemented PSE network across the province designed to reduce speeding and speed-related vehicle accidents.  

The program uses a dual radar system to identify and track a vehicle to calculate its speed. If the vehicle meets the criteria for a speeding violation, a photo is taken including time, date, and speed. 

Sun dogs and light pillars: Meteorologist explains science behind atmospheric optics

Extremely cold temperatures have dominated the forecast for the past week and have caused some interesting phenomena to occur in the atmosphere. Environment and Climate Change Canada Meteorologist, Stephen Berg, says the cold is directly responsible for the appearance of sun dogs and light pillars in the sky. 

“They're usually seen in cold weather conditions, as we've been having for the last little while. It happens when sunlight scatters off of ice crystals. So, it's just the directional scattering of sunlight off of these ice crystals, largely high in the atmosphere.” 

Battling the deep freeze: How to stay warm without breaking the bank

With a cold snap hitting Southern Saskatchewan is bringing temperatures below minus 20 and windchills close to minus 40, people are having to find a balance between keeping their homes warm, and energy bills low.  

Jodi Woollam is a spokesperson for SaskEnergy. She provides some best practices to efficiently maintain the climate of a home. 

Battling the deep freeze: How to stay warm without breaking the bank

With a cold snap hitting much of Saskatchewan bringing temperatures approaching minus 30 and windchills past minus 40, people are having to find a balance between keeping their homes warm, and energy bills low.  

Jodi Woollam is a spokesperson for SaskEnergy. She provides some best practices to efficiently maintain the climate of a home. 

Battling the deep freeze: How to stay warm without breaking the bank

With a cold snap hitting the southeast bringing temperatures below minus 20 and windchills close to minus 40, people are having to find a balance between keeping their homes warm, and energy bills low.  

Jodi Woollam is a spokesperson for SaskEnergy. She provides some best practices to efficiently maintain the climate of a home.