Canadian agricultural groups draft letter asking for reversal of federal capital gains increase

A group of Canadian agricultural organizations signed a letter asking the federal government to reverse recent financial changes by the federal government.

The letter looked to bring up their concerns with respect to the proposed increase to the capital gains inclusion rate, the Alternative Minimum Tax, and the Canadian Entrepreneurs’ Incentive.

Plant protein companies looking to expand usage and supply of Canadian lupin

Protein Industries Canada is looking to promote a new project to help entice farmers to use an up-and-coming legume in fields.

They announced the Lupin platform, along with PURIS Holdings and YOSO Canada, to expand the Canadian lupin ecosystem by increasing opportunities for farmers and ingredient processors and bringing new plant-based protein products to market.

CAHRC releases look at compensation in the ag sector

The Canadian Agriculture Human Resource Council released a report on a recent survey they held which looked at labour conditions in agriculture.

The survey included 609 employees from a total of 140 different agricultural organizations, looking across different levels of responsibility.

The survey found that across all roles, the weighted average and median hourly rate increased with each level of increased role responsibility.

The CAHRC provided the following info:

Federal agriculture committee releases 10 recommendations to fight high food prices

The federal government's committee on agriculture and agri-food has released a new report recommending 10 different methods which they believe can help with high food prices.

The Committee says they held seven meetings on efforts to stabilize food prices between 4 December 2023 and 27 February 2024, with the report summarizing the evidence provided during these meetings.

They recommended the following:

Crop report shows rains slowing down Manitoba producer's seeding

The Manitoba crop report shows that Manitoba's seeding progress is slowing thanks to some recent rainfall.

The current report has the area sitting at 64 per cent complete, a jump from last week's 47 percent, though that's still behind the five-ear average of 75 per cent.

Dennis Lange, the author of Manitoba Agriculture's crop report, says that the province saw significant rainfall. 

Crop report shows rains slowing down Manitoba producer's seeding

The Manitoba crop report shows that Manitoba's seeding progress is slowing thanks to some recent rainfall.

The current report has the area sitting at 64 per cent complete, a jump from last week's 47 percent, though that's still behind the five-ear average of 75 per cent.

Dennis Lange, the author of Manitoba Agriculture's crop report, says that the province saw significant rainfall. 

Crop pest numbers chilled by lower temperatures ahead of summer

Insects in the prairies are getting ready to jump into fields and potentially damage crops this summer once conditions warm.

Some of the most damaging insects, such as grasshoppers and flea beetles, have yet to emerge this year in many areas of the prairies as it's been too cold.

While recent rain has also affected crops, those insects are unbothered, explains Research Scientist with Agriculture and Agri-food Canada Meghan Vankosky.

Crop pest numbers chilled by lower temperatures ahead of summer

Insects in the prairies are getting ready to jump into fields and potentially damage crops this summer once conditions warm.

Some of the most damaging insects, such as grasshoppers and flea beetles, have yet to emerge this year in many areas of the prairies as it's been too cold.

While recent rain has also affected crops, those insects are unbothered, explains Research Scientist with Agriculture and Agri-food Canada Meghan Vankosky.

SGEU and province put forward tentative agreement for 11,000 workers

The Saskatchewan Government and General Employees' Union (SGEU) and the province have reached a tentative agreement on a contract for the future.

The SGEU declared an impasse with the province back in February, leading to the possibility of job action if the two sides couldn't reconcile their differences.

Now the two sides have reached a tentative agreement, with the Chair of the negotiating committee for the PS/GE Lori Bossaer saying it was a lengthy process.

STF-province negotiations resume

Negotiations for a new provincial collective agreement will resume today and Thursday in Saskatoon.

The previous agreement was proposed back in April, with teachers voting on that and rejecting it with a wide majority last week.

The Teachers’ Bargaining Committee and Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee have agreed to return to the bargaining table following discussions held Monday and Tuesday between the chairpersons of the respective committees.

Updates on those negotiations will be provided when appropriate.