
Hebrews 10:24-25 

When you stop to analyze the concept, "encourage" takes on new meaning. It's the act of inspiring others with renewed courage, spirit, or hope. When we encourage others we spur them on, we stimulate and affirm them. 

Looking back

Isaiah 51

Marian Anderson, the great contralto who won worldwide acclaim, didn't simply grow great; she grew great simply. In spite of her fame, she remained a beautiful model of humility.

A reporter interviewing Miss Anderson once asked her to name the greatest moment in her life. She had had so many big moments to choose from. For example:

Outgoing love

Romans 14

His face was covered with a full beard. His hair fell almost to his shoulders. When he smiled, his white teeth flashed in contrast to the blanket of brown that concealed his skin. His eyes were blue, clear, and alert. His laughter was strong and familiar to my ears. It reminded me of the times we sat together as friends in seminary, wrestling with reason and trying to unscrew the inscrutable.

Passive men, wild women

Ephesians 5:22-33

Those words aren't original with me. They came from a shrink living in Marin County, California—Pierre Mornell, who wrote a book that bears that title. The issue that concerned Dr. Mornell is found in Christian marriages just as often as in non-Christian ones.


Joshua 14

John Gardner, a United States cabinet member under President Johnson, once pointed out that by their mid-30s most people have stopped acquiring new skills and new attitudes in any aspect of their lives.

Thankful for angels

Psalm 91

Have you counted your blessings lately? Let me suggest one you might have overlooked. Let's be thankful for angels—those unseen guardians who work overtime, who never slumber or sleep.

Angels exist as supernatural creatures in and about heaven, and they are frequently dispatched to earth in human form to bring encouragement and assistance. If you have ever encountered the sudden appearance and/or departure of an angel after receiving one's help, you are never quite the same.

Turning turmoil into peace

Philippians 4

When Christians are up against a wall, it's interesting that they finally turn to prayer. The only thing that will work is the last thing we try. Take a look at this: "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7).

Deep-water faith

Luke 4-7

Edith, a mother of eight, came home from a neighbour’s house one afternoon and noticed that things seemed a little too quiet. Curious, she peered through the screen door and saw five of her children huddled together. As she crept closer, trying to discover the centre of their attention, she could not believe her eyes. Smack dab in the middle of the circle were five baby skunks!

Edith screamed at the top of her voice, "Quick, children...run!"

Each kid grabbed a skunk and ran.

A holy life

Leviticus 11:44-45

As Christians we live a life that is different—morally excellent, ethically beautiful. It's called a holy life. And God honours that. Because it's like He is. And according to Ephesians 5:1, we are to mimic God, living as He lives.