A String of Moments
Psalm 19:13
Life on earth is really nothing more than a string of moments, one after another. And I do not want my testimony for Jesus Christ to be shattered by a single moment of indulging my flesh.
I don't want one moment of rage or pride or arrogance to cast a shadow over a lifetime of walking with my Lord.
Frankly, I fear that possibility. And do you know what? Iwantto fear that possibility. When I stop fearing it, I am in grave danger.
Is the Motive Right?
Proverbs 15:16
Fortunesays that to be successful you need to make the big bucks.
Why else would the Fortune 500 list make such headlines every year? Anyone who is held up as successful must have more money than the average person.
Understand, there is nothing wrong with money earned honestly.
Certainly there is nothing wrong in investing or giving or even spending money if the motive is right, if the heart is pure. But I have yet to discover anyone who has found true happiness simply in the gathering of more money.
Solid as Stone
1 Corinthians 6:20
Committed individuals live with shallow tent pegs.
They may own things, but nothing owns them. They have come to terms with merchandise that has a price tag and opted for commitment to values that are priceless.
Denying oneself is not to be equated with losing one's uniqueness or becoming of no value.
There have been great people in each generation who modelledself-denial as they made significant contributions to humankind.
Praise and Adoration
Psalm 63:3
Praise is a deeply significant aspect of our personal worship, and we are remiss if we ignore it.
We praise God by expressing words of honour to Him for His character, His name, His will, His Word, His glory, etc.
Husband, when you were dating your wife-to-be, can you remember doing this? You looked at her hair...and you expressed praise over her hair. You praised her for her beauty, her choice of perfume and clothing, and her excellent taste.
Praise came naturally because that was a genuine, stimulating part of romance.
Slow but Sure
Psalm 4:3
Where are you today on your own journey?
Are you discounting the significance of your days? Are you sighing rather than singing? Are you wondering what good can come from all that you have to live with?
We tend to think that if God is really engaged, He will change things within the next hour or so. Certainly by sundown. Absolutely by the end of the week. But God is not a slave to the human clock. Compared to the works of mankind, He is extremely deliberate and painfully slow.
Vision, Vitality, and Victory
Psalm 25:21
Thoughts are the thermostat that regulates what we accomplish in life.
My body responds and reacts to the input from my mind. If I feed my mind upon doubt, disbelief, and discouragement,that is precisely the kind of day my body will experience.
If I adjust my thermostat forward to thoughts filled with vision, vitality, and victory, I can count on that kind of day.
Thoughts, positive or negative, grow stronger when fertilized with constant repetition.
Hearts to Trust, Minds to Rest
Psalm 55:22
God has entrusted to us a great deal.He knows that we can do all things by His grace, so He's trusting in us to trust in Him. Yet He knows our fears as well, otherwise He wouldn't assure us so often of His purposes and His presence.
We feel hurt and alone—God assures us He cares.We feel angry and resentful—God provides wisdom and strength.We feel ashamed—God grants forgiveness and comfort.
We feel anxious—God promises to supply all our needs.May He give us ears to hear, hearts to trust, and minds to rest in Him.
Give All You Have
Proverbs 9:10
If you're the kind of Christian who really wants the whole purpose of God, then you dare not leave out kingdom commitment.That means your motives must be investigated.
For example, every time you make plans to acquire a sizable possession—a car, an expensive boat, a house, and such like—you must deal with it before God and ask: Is this His will? Would this honour Him? Would this glorify Him?
Sensitive Hearts
2 Corinthians 7:10
Can you name people today who seem to listen carefully to God—people whose hearts are especially sensitive to the Holy Spirit?
I can almost guarantee that those are men and women who know whatit is to be broken and bruised. They have the scars to prove it.
Perhaps as you read these words you bear the marks of a carnal week, day after day in which you've gone your own way and grieved the Spirit of God. And now you come to these pages with desperation to change in your heart—to learn from God and renew your fellowship with Him.
The Will to Do God’s Will
Matthew 6:9
By merely reviewing the first few lines of the Lord's Prayer, we gain a renewed respect...a healthy and wholesome sense of reverence for our Almighty God and Father.
Rather than causing us to run from Him and hide in fear, I find that such an awesome respect makes me want to come close to Him, to wait quietly for Him to work.And so I urge you to slow your pace, to approach His "hallowed name" thoughtfully.