Parenting teens, knowing when to reign in and when to let go

Mind, Body, and Soul is sponsored content.

While parenting pre-teens and teenagers can bring a wide range of emotions on both sides, a mental health professional shares her tips to bring unity rather than dissension. 

Terry Warburton is the Clinical Director of Recovery of Hope Counselling Centre in Winnipeg. 

How to grow your money without doing anything

Mind, Body, and Soul is sponsored content from Fresh Ground Financial.

If you're like me, the last thing you want to stress over is your future and having enough money for it. After all, that's like 10, 25, 40 years from now - depending. There are more pressing matters to deal with and worry about.

If that's how you feel, I have one piece of advice for you.

Getting out of the mental 'fog'

Mind, Body, and Soul is sponsored content.

A mental health expert is sharing some tips on sharpening people's brain function if they have been feeling 'foggy' or 'fuzzy' during the pandemic. 

Terry Warburton is the Clinical Director at Recovery of Hope Counselling in Winnipeg.

"Many of us are finding that we don’t have the mental quickness that we used to have. Sometimes I have attributed it to my age, but many people of all ages have said they have the same experiences," says Warburton.

Gut health is highly connected to mental health

Mind, Body, and Soul is sponsored content.

According to a mental health expert, science is proving more and more how connected our mental health is to what we eat.

"Our brain and body are very much connected when it comes to our emotional wellness. We say things like, “I had a gut feeling” or “I have butterflies in my stomach.”  Really, what we are saying is that our bodies are telling us that we have an emotion," says Terry Warburton, the Director of Recovery of Hope in Winnipeg.