How to stop comparing, own your giftedness, and rest in Jesus

Many women struggle with the voice in their head that tells them they are not enough…not smart enough, not pretty enough, not capable enough, not present enough.

Denisse Copeland is one of the many women to feel that way. She was raised by a single mother in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. Her upbringing offered little stability, and Denisse soon found herself on a seemingly endless quest to find love and acceptance. 

How to get our kids off of screens and back to God

The pandemic left many parents relying on tablets and television to keep their children busy while working from home or in lockdown. 

Molly DeFrank is a mother of six and the author of Digital Detox: A Two-Week Tech Reset for Kids. She wanted more for her family, so she pulled the plug, declaring a digital detox for her kids. The transformation blew her away.

Connect, collab and inspire: Drawing millions to God through hip-hop music

How do you set yourself free from the prison of unforgiveness? What is addiction, and how do we overcome it? How can fathers be more empowered and supported?

These and many other topics are explored on shows available on Holy Culture Radio. It may sound like your typical self-help program, but HCR is so much more and runs so much deeper than that. 

Lucille Williams: Nothing in parenting is impossible with God

When a child thinks they can rule over their parents, they have their work cut out for them! What seems impossible, God makes possible. 

Lucille Williams is a national speaker who has ministered to couples and families for over 25 years. She is also the author of, The Impossible Kid: Parenting a Strong-Willed Child with Love and Grace.  

‘Fastest Pastor’ perseveres in the race for what matters most

When successful entrepreneur, pastor and racer Don Wickstrum was given an aggressive cancer diagnosis, he felt like life was over. Little did he know, his story was only starting. 

“Even though life may not always seem to present you with the best hand, the best place to put that hand is in the hands of God,” says Wickstrum.

From darkness to light: Finding freedom from addiction, helping others do the same

Both Rick and Robin McMillin struggled with addiction. Rick with anger and Robin with alcohol.

"Rick and I were married back in 2002. Life was wonderful. We were both very successful in business, bank directors, home health directors, and I started drinking socially," said Robin.

From felon to phenomenon: How an ex-con is helping bring restoration to fellow inmates

As a child, Michael Molthan experienced many hardships and trials from his father’s abandonment to his grandfather’s abuse.

“At a very young age, my grandfather started abusing me. It was the first time I kept a secret,” said Molthan. “I was being told by my parents that I was just like my grandfather – my mannerisms, the way I talked and even my handwriting. They told me I was going to grow up to be just like him. That was confusing to me.

The method has changed, the message has not: Reaching younger generations through their phones

One Voice Student Missions ministry founder Brian Barcelona is pushing the bar on traditional evangelism and reaching Gen Z and younger through something that almost every young person has... a phone. 

"I mean, what do most kids do in church now? They're on their phones," Brian explains. "I think if preachers and pastors continue to preach and not speak, it's like me going to China and I preach in English. How ineffective is that? We need to learn the language. Why do we not have that same expectation for generational barriers?"