How a life-limiting two-year diagnosis turned into 24 years of life

Char Harryman faced a life-limiting diagnosis with extraordinary courage and faith, and she used the time she was given to be a gift to others.

On Easter Sunday back in 1995, Char suffered a grand mal seizure. And then another. And another. This eventually led to numerous tests where doctors discovered a golf ball-sized malignant tumour on her brain. 

Sharing God's love: Firefighter saves fellow firefighter's life with kidney donation

God had a plan when Russ Reimer and Kyle Schmidt crossed paths. 

"Kyle and I met at a lead instructor workshop at Brandon Fire College. We were both lead instructors at our rural fire departments. He was with the Beausejour fire department, and I was with the Steinbach Fire department," Russ explained. "We connected the best over a hose hold called the Steinbach minute man."

How one ministry is equipping churches to deal with the mental health crisis

When people experience mental health challenges, many will turn to the church first for help. That is why Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries has created a course that will help churches to be better equipped when people are in need.

Daniel Whitehead is the CEO of Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries. He says it is important for churches, and especially pastors, to be equipped to help those who live with mental health challenges.

Art & faith return the Kingdom to the meek

From the Sistine Chapel to da Vinci’s, The Last Supper, fresco paintings are some of the oldest and most durable forms of artwork known to man.

At the intersection of faith and art, Theirs is the Kingdom is a feature-length documentary directed by Christopher Zaluski that follows the rare creation of a contemporary fresco mural by Christopher Holt inside the sanctuary of a small church in Asheville, North Carolina. 

How to get our kids off of screens and back to God

The pandemic left many parents relying on tablets and television to keep their children busy while working from home or in lockdown. 

Molly DeFrank is a mother of six and the author of Digital Detox: A Two-Week Tech Reset for Kids. She wanted more for her family, so she pulled the plug, declaring a digital detox for her kids. The transformation blew her away. 

Widowed mother of seven shares how she found hope again

It was around 10 years ago that Lisa Appelo's life changed forever. 

"On what seemed like an ordinary Friday morning, I woke up to my husband's funny breathing," said Lisa. "I wasn't even awake enough to open my eyes, but I just kind of reached over and nudged him and told him it was just a nightmare. As I woke more to his breathing and flipped on the light, I could see that something was drastically wrong."