Why can't we all just get along?!: Jealousy and competition within the church

Why can't we all just get along? It sounds simple, but for so many this can be extremely challenging.

After going through her own experience within the church, Danielle Macaulay, author, blogger, podcaster, speaker and television personality, felt called to help others.

At one point in her life, while pastoring at an affluent church just outside New York City, Danielle felt a strong hatred towards one of the women involved in the ministry. She was jealous of this woman and cheered for her to fail.

Reconnecting the Canadian Christian music community

The past couple of years have been difficult for those working in the music industry.

GMA Canada, whose mission is to celebrate and encourage excellence in Canadian Christian music and arts, has found a way to gather the Canadian Christian music community in one place.

Jaylene Johnson is a singer and songwriter. She is also the vice president of the advisory board for GMA Canada. She says they've started up virtual gatherings that will take place once a month.

Hope when your heart is breaking: Finding God's presence in our pain

Dealing with grief, depression, anxiety, or any mental health issue can be difficult. Finding that light at the end of the tunnel can be even more challenging.

After serving in ministry and life together with his wife and partner Karen for over 50 years, Ron Hutchcraft, veteran ministry leader, radio broadcaster, speaker, founder and president of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries and On Eagles' Wings Native American youth outreach, was devastated in 2016 when she died of a sudden heart attack.

Parenting an addict: Mother tells her gripping story of unwavering love

The Naman family were everyday people living everyday lives when their world was flipped upside down.

“I did not know the signs or symptoms,” said Christine Naman. “I didn’t know the looks of things or the smells of things. Oftentimes, it was right in front of me. I just didn’t know what I was seeing.”

Christine's daughter, Natalie, became addicted to heroin at 15 years old. Christine would find tin foil, spoons and lighters in her daughter's vanity, but it wasn't until she found a syringe that she figured out exactly what was going on.

Marriage Uncut: Making it work

A little girl dreams of her wedding day, not her marriage. She probably doesn’t even know what the word marriage means—just how much crinoline she wants under her dress. At least this is what Christie Amoyo was thinking about, not the marriage relationship, money matters, or faith decisions.

After years of living an unhealthy lifestyle, Christie decided to attend  Providence University College and Theological Seminary in Manitoba. The place where she would meet her future husband. 

Shilo Harris: My journey through hell to become the man I was meant to be

Shilo Harris came from a family with deep roots in military service. As a son of a Vietnam veteran, Shilo always knew he wanted to be a soldier. On September 11th his life changed forever and shortly afterward he enlisted as a Cavalry Scout in the US Army. His first deployment was to Schweinfurt, Germany with the 1st Infantry Division. From Germany Shilo headed to war-torn Iraq.