Widowed mother of seven shares how she found hope again

It was ten years ago that Lisa Appelo's life changed forever. 

"On what seemed like an ordinary Friday morning, I woke up to my husband's funny breathing," said Lisa. "I wasn't even awake enough to open my eyes. I just reached over, nudged him and told him it was a nightmare. As I woke more to his breathing and flipped on the light, I could see something was drastically wrong."

Guitars building bridges in church and community

A Winnipeg church has chosen guitars and music to reach the community beyond its four walls.

"Many churches say they want to change, but it is usually just verbal. This was a congregation that wanted a change," said Ron Fischer, former pastor at Kildonan Community Church. "When you have the matriarchs of the congregation support you in what you're doing, you know the congregation is going to be moving forward."

Connect, collab and inspire: Drawing millions to God through hip-hop music

How do you set yourself free from the prison of unforgiveness? What is addiction, and how do we overcome it? How can fathers be more empowered and supported?

These and many other topics are explored on shows available on Holy Culture Radio. It may sound like your typical self-help program, but HCR is so much more and runs so much deeper than that. 

How God helped two pastors save over 150 people from a historic blizzard

New Yorkers know snow. However, a storm that hit Buffalo just before Christmas and lasted for five days left parts of the state covered with over four feet of snow. 

This was combined with strong winds, making it impossible to get anywhere. The winter weather left people stranded and killed dozens. 

"People didn't know the severity of it. They thought it was an average snow weekend here in Buffalo," Spirit of Truth Urban Ministry co-pastor Vivian Robinson explained. "This snow stopped you in its tracks."