Two are better than one

Ecclesiastes 4:9

Independence is our watchword and "Think for Yourself" is our motto. Declaring a need is a sign of weakness, an open admission of failure and a lack of character.

Furthermore, we are on the move so much, who has time to share and to care? It has been my observation that we Christians are not immune from this hurry-up,hassle-hustle mentality...

It is Finished

Romans 3:23-24

Stop and think: Upon believing in Jesus Christ's substitutionary death and bodily resurrection, the once-lost sinner is instantly, unconditionally, and permanently "declared 100 per cent righteous."

Anything less and we are not righteous...we're almost righteous.

If we are declared 99.9 per cent righteous, some verses of the Bible would have to be rewritten. Like Isaiah 1:18, which might then read: "'Come now, and let us reason together,' says the Lord, 'though your sins are as scarlet, they will be light pink.'"

Alone with God

Isaiah 30:15

Some of the most profound ministries of the Spirit of God are not public or loud or large. Sometimes His most meaningful touch on our lives comes when we are all alone.

I urge you to include in your schedule time to be alone with God...

You do have places where you can get away for a long walk, don't you? I hope it's in a wooded area. The gentle breeze blowing through the forest is therapeutic.

Giving God first place

Proverbs 8:22

If some corporate position is the god of your life, then something terrible occurs within when it is no longer a future possibility. If your career, however, is simply a part of God's plan and you keep it in proper perspective, you can handle a demotion just as well as you can handle a promotion.

It all depends on who's first and what's first.

Breaking the magnet that draws things ahead of God is a lengthy and sometimes painful process.

God's hand on your life

Psalm 139:15

Perhaps you never knew what it was to nestle securely in a parent's love. Your home life may have been strained or even fractured from your earliest memory. From a human point of view, your birth might have come at a difficult or awkward time in your parents' lives.

It may be that you've never known the reassurance of a faithful mother and father who built their faith into your heart. When you think back on your growing-up years, you realize you don't have much to shout about.

Segments of Solitude

Psalm 62:5

Henri Nouwen called solitude... "the furnace of transformation." This doesn't refer to mere personal privacy for a 12-second pit stop where we get a quick fix to re-enter the race.

It's more than that.

It's an oasis of the soul where we see ourselves, others, and especially our God in new ways. It's where much of the "clutter" of life is identified and exterminated, thanks to the merciless heat of the "furnace."

Soul surgery transpires as serenity replaces anxiety.

Pull in the anchor

Matthew 6:12

Have you done someone wrong?

Have you been offensive?

Have your actions caused hurt?

To do nothing is not only in direct disobedience to Jesus' teaching, it also complicates your life. It adds heavier mental weights than you are capable of carrying.

It is like dropping an anchor and then cranking up your boat's engine and putting it in gear. The anchor keeps catching and snagging on the bottom, making for a terribly uncomfortable ride across the water.

How simple the solution! Just pull in the anchor...

Don't get burned

1 Corinthians 15:33

Compromise never works. We always get burned. Even though we rationalize around our weak decisions and tell ourselves that wicked associations really won't harm us ("They'll get better, our good will rub off their bad!"), we get soiled in the process.

If you put on a pair of clean white gloves on a rainy day and then go out into the backyard to the flowerbed and pick up a glob of mud, trust me, the mud will never get "glovey."

The gloves will definitely get muddy. Every time.

Friendly people, thoughtful people

Proverbs 18:24

If I have learned anything during my journey on Planet Earth, it is that people need one another.

The presence of other people is essential—caring people, helpful people, interesting people, friendly people, thoughtful people. These folks take the grind out of life.

About the time we are tempted to think we can handle things all alone—boom! We run into some obstacle and need assistance. We discover all over again that we are not nearly as self-sufficient as we thought.

Precepts and principals

Psalm 119:66

Whenever you see the scriptural phrase "This is the will of God," you know for sure that's God's will. You also know that to disobey is to break His Word.

Other clear indications of His leading are the precepts and principles in the Scripture.

Precepts are clearly marked statements like "Abstain from sexual immorality." That's like saying, "Speed Limit 35." What is speeding? Anything over 35 miles an hour. That's a precept.