Magnificent Relief

Psalm 32:5  

Like a cool, cleansing shower on a hot, sweaty day, God's forgiveness washes away not only sins but their tormenting guilt.

God goes into the depths of our inner being and provides that magnificent relief that only He can bring: PEACE . . . .

If you are harboring some sin—if you are keeping hidden a few secret regions of wrong—don't expect to enjoy freedom from guilt, child of God.

There is an unspoken axiom threaded through Scripture: secret sin cannot coexist with inner peace.

Seeking Success

Proverbs 11:2

We are a success-saturated society. The tell-tale signs are everywhere. Each year dozens of books and magazines, scores of audio and video tapes, and hundreds of seminars offer ideas, motivation, techniques, and promises of prosperity.

Curiously, however, few ever address what it is most folks want (but seldom find) in their pursuit of success: contentment, fulfillment, satisfaction, and relief . . . .

At the risk of sounding ultra-simplistic, I'd like to offer some counsel to those seeking success . . . .

Sow Generously, Reap Generously

Psalm 103:1

Do you have eyesight? It's a gift.

Do you have a good mind? It's a gift.

Do you have leadership abilities that cause others to follow? A good education? These are all gifts.

Has God given you a family? Has He given you sufficient clothes? . . . These are all gifts from God's hand.

Reflect on His numerous gifts to you. It will increase your joy . . . .

A Giant Step Toward Maturity

Psalm 73:26

One of the hardest things for you and me to do is own up to our own failures.

Whether we're talking to our spouses, our kids, our employers, or with our Lord Himself, it goes against the grain to come clean and admit our offenses. The knee-jerk response every time is to employ defense mechanisms: to deny, to excuse, to rationalize, to reinterpret our shortfalls.

God Speaks to the Quiet Heart

Psalm 84:10

If the pace and the push, the noise and the crowds are getting to you, it's time to stop the nonsense and find a place of solace to refresh your spirit.

Deliberately say "no" more often. This will leave room for you to slow down, get alone, pour out your overburdened heart, and admit your desperate need for inner refreshment.

The good news is God will hear and He will help. The bad news is this: If you wait for someone else to bring about a change, things will only deteriorate.

No Place for Pride

Proverbs 16:19

Someone who is truly unselfish is generous with his or her time and possessions, energy and money. As that works its way out, it is demonstrated in various ways, such as thoughtfulness and gentleness, an unpretentious spirit, and servant-hearted leadership.

When a husband is unselfish, he subjugates his own wants and desires to the needs of his wife and family.

When a mother is unselfish, she isn't irked by having to give up her agenda or plans for the sake of her children.

Living a Holy Life

Leviticus 11:44

As Christians we live a life that is different—morally excellent, ethically beautiful.

It's called a holy life. And God honours that. Because it's like He is....

All of our Christian lives we have sung the old hymn "Take Time to Be Holy." Those words are true. It does take time to be holy. It certainly takes time to be mature.

Care and Concern for Others

1 Peter 5:5

Humility of mind is really an attitude, isn't it?

It's a pre-set mentality that determines ahead of time thoughts like this: I care about those around me.

Why do I always have to be first?

I'm going to help someone else win for a change.

Today I'm going to curb my fierce competitive tendencies.

Instead of always thinking about receiving, we'll start looking for ways to give. Instead of holding grudges against those who offend us, we'll be anxious to forgive.

A Deliberate Trust

Psalm 31:1

Under heaven's lock and key, we are protected by the most efficient security system available—the power of God.

There is no way we will be lost in the process of suffering. No disorder, no disease, not even death itself can weaken or threaten God's ultimate protection over our lives...

"God stands between you and all that menaces your hope or threatens your eternal welfare," James Moffatt wrote. "The protection here is entirely and directly the work of God."