Faith or Presumption?

2 Corinthians 1:9-10

The old motto of soldiers during the Revolutionary War applies to many areas of life: "Trust in God, but keep your powder dry!"

In other words, place your life in the Saviour’s hands, but stay at the ready. Do all that you can to prepare yourself for battle, understanding that the ultimate outcome rests with the Lord God.

Absolute Silence

Zephaniah 3:17

I am more convinced than ever that there is no way you and I can move toward a deeper, intimate relationship with our God without protracted times of stillness, which includes one of the rarest at all experiences: absolute silence.

Am I sounding more like a mystical dreamer? If so, so was the psalmist who wrote those familiar words we often quote but seldom obey, "Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10)...

Helping the World on to God

Matthew 5:16

[The world] will see "your good works," Jesus said.

Like what?

They will hear your courtesy.

They will detect your smile.

They will notice that you stop to thank them.

They will hear you apologize when you are wrong.

They will see you help them when they are struggling.

They will notice that you are the one who stopped along the road and gave them a hand.

Confident Contentment

Psalm 143:10

When Christ becomes our central focus—our reason for existence—contentment replaces our anxiety as well as our fears and insecurities.

This cannot help but impact three of the most prevalent joy-stealers in all of life.

1. He broadens the dimensions of our circumstances. This gives us new confidence...

2. He delivers us from preoccupation with others. This causes our contentment level to rise...

3. He calms our fears regarding ourselves and our future. This provides a burst of fresh hope on a daily basis.

Unity and Humility

Psalm 133:1

Do you realize how closely unity and humility are tied together? One breeds the other; neither can exist without the other. They're like Siamese twins, perpetually connected.

Personally, I have seen numerous occasions when pride won out (even though it was never called that) and harmony faded away...and I mean fast...

Contrary to the stuff you might read today, the words, fight and quarrel, are not apt descriptions of the way to get ahead. They won't ultimately glorify God.

God knows our limits

Psalm 86:15

Our Lord understands our limits. He realizes our struggles. He knows how much pressure we can take. He knows what measures of grace and mercy and strength we'll require. He knows how we're put together.

Frankly, His expectations are not nearly as unrealistic as ours.

When we don't live up to the agenda we have set, we feel like He is going to dump a truckload of judgment on us. But that will not happen.

So why do we fear it could?


God's Way Is Right

Isaiah 26:4

God's way is always right. It doesn't always make sense—in is often mysterious. It can seldom be explained. It isn't always pleasurable and fun.

But I have lived long enough to realize that His way is always right....

I believe that not until we embrace God's sovereignty will we have the ability to reason our way through life.

Take Life as It Comes

The only way we can come to terms with reality—is by trusting God, regardless. No ifs, ands, or buts.

If I am a farmer and God allows a flood to come and wash away my crops or God chooses to give me the beautiful season rains and a bumper crop, I trust Him and I give Him praise. 

If I am in an industry or some profession and someone throws me a curve and God allows my whole world to be reversed, I trust Him and I give Him praise.

I take life as it occurs. I don't waste time in the pit of doubt. Nor do I worry over crop failures and strikeouts.

The Object of God's Concern

Psalm 62:1

I've had times when I've found myself wondering about the things I've believed and preached for years. What happened? Had God died?

No. My vision just got a little blurry. My circumstances caused my thinking to get a little foggy. I looked up, and I couldn't see Him as clearly.

That's what happened to John Bunyan back in the seventeenth century in England. He preached against the godlessness of his day, and the authorities shoved him into prison....

Wonderfully Made

Psalm 139:14

The next time you pick up your little baby or grandbaby, look into the face of that marvellously made child and say, "You are fearfully and wonderfully made."

And it wouldn't hurt to repeat that statement throughout her childhood.

Children need to know how valuable they are in God's sight—and ours. Nothing gives them greater security than a strong sense of self-esteem.