God takes action in response to defiance

1 Kings 11:14-40

King Solomon planted seeds of wilfulness and independence that reaped a harvest of rebellion in his heart. God’s first reaction to Solomon’s defiance was a strong statement of divine anger (1 Kings 11:9). OK, what else does the Lord do? After stating His anger, He raises up human adversaries. Look at how He does this—it’s intriguing. Read carefully 1 Kings 11:14 and then verse 23. 

God’s attitude toward defiance

1 Kings 11:6, 9–13

Solomon planted seeds of wilfulness and independence that reaped a harvest of age-old rebellion in his heart. Let’s see what God did in response to Solomon’s defiance. Read 1 Kings 11:9–11. His very first reaction was a strong statement of divine anger. Right off the bat: “Now the Lord was angry with Solomon” (v. 9). 

Defiance: a biblical warning

1 Kings 11:1–8

When it comes to the topic of rebellion, King Solomon’s story is pretty incredible. Although bright, rich, capable, and the son of a famous father, Solomon became an insolent, carnal man. We need to see how God dealt with him—the epitome of defiance. 

Dealing with defiance

Deuteronomy 21:18-21

Defiance and stress are inseparable co-conspirators. Together, they scheme to steal your peace of mind. 

Although the term defiance does not appear in Scripture, acts and attitudes of defiance often do. No matter what the term, the scene is never pretty. 

The same is true in life today...but the tragedy is that defiance is frequently permitted and sometimes totally ignored, leaving others in the wake of its serious consequences. Talk about stress fractures! 

Peace amidst an uncertain future

Acts 19:32–41

If you live intimidated by people, then you need to come to terms with your lack of peace. God is bigger than any person. 

You don’t need to dread tomorrow. You don’t need to dread your uncontrollable circumstances. It’s a decision that’s called “a frame of mind,” otherwise known as leaning on the everlasting Rock. 

Peace amidst unpleasant circumstances

Acts 19:23–31

After Paul had been willing to stay at the task in Ephesus even with the dream of going to Rome on his heart (Acts 19:23), “about that time...” That’s the way it happens. Just about the time you get out of your prayer closet and you’ve got it all worked out, everything breaks loose. Look at the rest of verse 23: 

There occurred no small disturbance concerning the Way [which was a first-century label for Christianity]. 

Wanted: thinkers

2 Peter 3

Entertainment is everything today. So important, in fact, that we have television programs and magazines devoted solely to the subject. All of which makes it real difficult to be committed to substance rather than the superficial. This includes reading widely, probing deeply, seeing with discernment, rejecting the false, learning the facts. In short, thinking!

Hope in dark places

Isaiah 53

I love music! Choral music, instrumental music, popular music, classical music...folk tunes, ballads, country western and bluegrass...the patriotic and romantic. For me, music is a must.

Like you, I have my favourite hymns—the ones that hold some special meaning for me or evoke grand and vivid memories of significant events. Invariably, those things pass in mental review as I become "lost in wonder, love, and praise" in my worship.