Undeserving, yet unconditionally loved

1 Corinthians 15:10

Whatever he became, according to his own statement, Paul owed it all to "the grace of God." When I ponder the words from that grand apostle, I come up with what we might call his credo. We can reduce it to three single-syllable statements, the first consisting of only eight words; the second, 10 words; and the third, 12. Occasionally, it helps to take a profound, multi-faceted theological truth and define it in simple, non-technical terms. 

Practical suggestions for guarding against extremes

Romans 14:22

Three suggestions come to mind as I think about living with the risks of grace and putting all this into balanced living. 

First, guard against extremes if you want to enjoy the freedom grace provides. Try your best to keep balanced, then enjoy it. No reason to feel guilty. No reason to be afraid. Try this first: Simply give yourself permission to be free. Don't go crazy...but neither should you spend time looking over your shoulder worrying about those who "spy out your liberty," and wondering what they will think and say. 

The inescapable tension

1 Corinthians 13:11

Because of grace we have been freed from sin, from its slavery, its bondage in our attitude, in our urges, and in our actions. But having been freed and now living by grace, we can actually go too far, set aside all self-control, and take our liberty to such an extreme that we again serve sin. But that isn't liberty at all, that's license. And knowing of that possibility, many opt for legalism lest they be tempted to live irresponsibly. Bad choice. How much better to have such an awesome respect for the Lord we voluntarily hold back as we apply self-control. 

Grace unlimited

Proverbs 3:34

My plea is that we not limit grace to Christ. We, too, can learn to be just as gracious as He. And since we can, we must, not only in our words and in great acts of compassion and understanding but in small ways as well. Let me describe four practical expectations you can anticipate as you get a firm grasp on grace. 

Grace: A many splendored thing

Psalm 84:11

We use grace to describe many things in life:

    • A well-coordinated athlete or dancer
    • Good manners and being considerate of others 
    • Beautiful, well-chosen words
    • Consideration and care for other people
    • Various expressions of kindness and mercy

Understanding grace

John 1:14

What exactly is grace? And is it limited to Jesus' life and ministry? You may be surprised to know that Jesus never used the word itself. He just taught it and, equally important, He lived it. Furthermore, the Bible never gives us a one-statement definition, though grace appears throughout its pages...not only the word itself but numerous demonstrations of it. Understanding what grace means requires our going back to an old Hebrew term that meant "to bend, to stoop." By and by, it came to include the idea of "condescending favour."