The sting of the thorn, part one

Mark 4:1–20

Give the Reverend Dullard Drydust enough time and he will manage to confuse most sections of the Bible. Because we preachers are notorious for getting hung up on Greek tenses and purpose clauses and theological trivia, we often shy away from those passages that appear nontechnical and plain. 

Stop the revolving door

2 Chronicles 7:13–15

The history of great civilizations reminds me of a giant revolving door. It turns on the axis of human depravity as its movement is marked by the perimeter of time. With monotonous repetition each civilization has completed the same cycle, having passed through a similar sequence of events. One man summarized it like this: 

Trust, part two

1 John 4:17–19

Each morning you awaken to an unpredictable set of hours filled with surprises and trials and anxieties. You know before your feet ever touch the floor you are in for another who-knows-what day. You could be in an accident on the freeway, fired from the job, the victim of a personal attack, mistreated, robbed, slandered, or threatened with a lawsuit. Sounds pretty bleak, but it’s true. Happens to hundreds like us daily. 

Trust, part one

Proverbs 3:5–6

Those folks who used to put together Campus Life magazine got my vote. With an incredible regularity they would put the cookies on the lower shelf so that any high-schooler in America could thumb through the thing without getting turned off. One of their secrets was frequent humor, lots of jokes. You know, all kinds of stuff to laugh at...some a little gross, but all designed to scratch a teenager where he was itching. And most kids I know at that age are never very far from fun. 

“Won’t someone please stop me?” part two

Matthew 11:28-30

Strange, isn’t it, how we tend toward extremes? What begins as self-improvement becomes self-enslavement...what starts as merely a mellow change of pace leads to a marathon of fanaticism. We’re nuts! Left to ourselves, we’ll opt for extremes most every time. Which explains why God’s Book so often stresses moderation, self-control, softening our sharp-cornered lives with more curves that necessitate a slower speed. 

“Won’t someone please stop me?” part one

Psalm 46:10-11

I laughed my way through Judith Viorst’s How Did I Get to Be Forty and Other Atrocities. I’ve long since passed the half-century mark, so it seemed reasonable that I should at least face the music of being 40. Even though I must admit I feel more like 30...until I think about my schedule of involvements. Then I wish I were 90 and had an excuse for hiding away in a cabin, writing my if anybody would ever care to read them. 

Writing with thorns

Psalm 62:5–8

In pain, grief, affliction, and loss, it often helps to write our feelings...not just feel them. Putting words on paper seems to free our feelings from the lonely prison of our souls. 

It was C. S. Lewis who wrote: 

Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything.... No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear. I am not afraid, but the sensation is like being afraid. The same fluttering in the stomach, the same restlessness, the yawning. I keep on swallowing. 


Acts 1:8

It’s a cartoon I’ve smiled at again and again. 

There are two Inuit sitting on chairs, fishing through holes in the ice. The fella on the right has draped his line through your typical disk-like opening...about the size of a small manhole. 

The man on the left has his line in the water, too. He also waits calmly for a nibble. His hole, however, is more like a crater, a Rose Bowl-sized opening that reaches to the horizon—in the shape of a whale. 

Now that’s what I call vision

The home, part two

Ephesians 5:21-6:4

If you are involved in church or religious activities to the point that your home life is hurting, you’re too involved—and you’re heading for trouble. Look at what you’re doing in the light of eternity. God is primarily interested in the quality, not quantity, of our spiritual fruit. He looks behind our hurry and our motive, our inner purpose.

The home, part one

1 Corinthians 3:12–15

God has ordained and established three great institutions: 

    1. the home (Genesis 1:27–28; Ephesians 5:22–31) 
    2. the church (Matthew 16:18; Acts 2:41–47) 
    3. government (Romans 13:1–7)