A round tuit, part two

Proverbs 16:3–9

In Part One, I presented you with your own (round) tuit—the solution to those procrastination problems you’ve been having. Yep, no longer will you need to say: 

“I should take care of that—and I will as soon as I get a (round) tuit.” 

You’ve got it! 

Now, let’s take a look at what the Bible says about this. I’ll bet Solomon had a (round) tuit. Maybe he got his from Moses, who once wrote: 


Proverbs 10:19

You’ve heard of “too little and too late.” 

How about “too many and too much”? That’s the way I’d describe our times. In a society overrun with overstatements, I find an occasional “not quite enough” a sheer delight. 

Say it well

Acts 17:22–31

Paul was a misfit. When it came to a place like Athens, the crusty Apostle clashed with the decor. 

Made no sense at all. The classic oil-and-water combo. A monotheistic Jew smack dab in the middle of polytheistic Gentiles. Narrow-minded former Pharisee surrounded by broad-minded philosophers. One idol-hating Christian among many idol-worshiping pagans. Outnumbered. Outvoted. Outshouted. But not outwitted. 

Compassion, part two

Mark 2:16–18

What happened to compassion among conservative Christians? When did we stop thinking of how valuable it is to be healing agents, wound wrappers like the good Samaritan? When did we opt for placing more emphasis on being proclaimers and defenders and less on becoming repairers and restorers?

The church, part one

Matthew 16:18

So, what’s the big deal about the church? 

Good question. And it deserves a good answer. Something more than, “You gotta have one to get married in,” or “It’s the place kids oughta be on Sunday.” Or how about, “There’s not a better spot to make business contacts.”