God's not deaf

1 Kings 17:21–24

Ever wonder if God has gotten hard of hearing?

I know my kids and grandkids tease me about noticing the inevitable signs of ageing. A minor stumble now and then, a little forgetfulness, a pinch of grumpiness.

Thankfully, my hearing may be one of the last things to wane.

But you need to know, God’s hearing is perfect—and it’s especially tuned to the voice of His children.

Prayer is the act of faith that believes God is not deaf. That He lovingly and graciously hears our voices and attends to the cries of our hearts.

Stop hoarding

Philippians 2:6–11

Late springtime is the season of yard sales and moving vans. People are on the move and wrestling with what to do with all the accumulated stuff, jammed into garages, shoved into closets, and packed into attics. And how about those storage spaces?

The same can be true of the rest of our lives. We hoard our time, keep our gifts and talents and resources for ourselves, and spend the choicest of our days investing in our possessions and guarding our priorities.

How different from Jesus who ...

Shh ... time for quietness

Isaiah 30:15

We are living in a “too much” culture.

Too much empty talk. Too much rich food. Too much emphasis on success, winning, being the biggest, and having the best. Too much comparison, commercialism, and competition. Too many meetings. Too much social media. Too many making the extreme the standard. Periods are fast being replaced by exclamation points. “Nice” is no longer sufficient. Now it’s got to be “fantastic” or “incredible.” And, of course, “awesome!!”

Keep going

Galatians 6:7–10

It’s often best to get straight to the point. Are you facing a trial today? Consider some straight truth from God’s Word:

What are you telling yourself?

Lamentations 3:21–24

You’ve heard them. Those all-too-familiar cries of exasperation. Maybe a couple have crossed your mind today sometime between the too-early chime of your smartphone and the too-late racket of the neighbour’s pool party.

Going from bad to worse.

Jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

Between a rock and a hard place.

Why can’t I get a break?

My mother told me there would be days like these, but she never said they would run in packs.