Police & Fire Report Apr. 6/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 April 5 – 2024 April 6

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 70


0922 hours – Parking Bylaw – 2 vehicles parked in non-parking area; 2 tickets issued.

1113 hours – Parking Bylaw – Vehicle parked in bus lane since yesterday; 1 ticket issued.

1255 hours – Break and Enter – Subjects broke into vacant property, both people identified and charged.

1337 hours – Driving Impaired – Vehicle description and licence plate given on truck traveling west on Athabasca St W, still under investigation.

Police & Fire Report Apr. 5/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 April 4 – 2024 April 5

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 70


933 Hours – Abandoned Vehicle – Owner was contacted and is removing from premise.

948 Hours –Dispute – Custodial dispute, still under investigation.

1044 Hours – Trespassing – Owner was alerted to people on the property, still under investigation.

1146 Hours – Threats – Online threats are being made, further investigation to identify the person making the threats.

Police & Fire Report Apr. 4/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 April 3 – 2024 April 4

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 62


815 Hours – Theft – Still under investigation as two individuals dined and dashed.

912 Hours – Hit and Run – Vehicle struck another vehicle, still under investigation waiting on video to proceed.

1022 Hours – Trespassing – Police attended a business where a person was issued a ticket for trespassing and sent on their way.

Police & Fire Report Apr. 3/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 April 2 – 2024 April 3

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 65


0742 hours – Mischief – male smoking in ATM- Arrested for mischief, breach of undertaking and released for court

1023 hours – mischief – fire extinguisher stolen from gas station pumps – sui to obtain video

1127 hours – Shoplifting – clothing stolen from store, suspect walked out wearing them – SUI for video

1509 hours – Fraud – victim out $70,000 occurred in 2023 – SUI

Police & Fire Report Apr. 2/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

2024 April 1 – 2024 April 2

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 43


0742 hours – dispute;  female yelling – a couple having a verbal argument- mediated.

1026 hours – MVA Under – 2 vehicles, one vehicle backed into the other.

1158 hours – mischief; someone tampered with licence plate- screws removed.

1151 hours – Parking bylaw; two vehicles impeding traffic – owners contacted to move.

1406 hours – Mischief; house was tagged with graffiti – reported for info purposes.

Police & Fire Report Mar. 31/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 March 30 – 2024 March 31
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 38

1047 Hours – Suspicious Occurrence – Repeated event of photos being taken of subject’s house. Subject advised to call back with more descriptors.

1131 Hours – Disturbance – Subject raised voice and refused staff instructions. No damage to the grounds and the area was secured.

1307 Hours – Dispute – Verbal altercation occurred and was mediated.

1355 Hours – Stolen Property – Subjects property and money was stolen. Still under investigation.

Police & Fire Report Mar. 30/24

Moose Jaw Police Service
2024 March 29 – 2024 March 30
0700 hours – 0700 hours
Total Calls – 42 (4283)

0832 Hours – MVA Under – 1 vehicle accident, no injury, vehicle was towed, and a ticket was issued.

0848 Hours – Suspicious Occurrence – Subject entrusted another person to purchase equipment and is now harassing subject. Subject was advised.

1127 Hours – MVA Under – 2 vehicle accident, no injuries, no tows.

1131 Hours – MVA Under – 2 vehicle accident, no injuries, no tows. Information was exchanged.

Police & Fire Report Mar. 28/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

March 27, 2024 – March 28, 2024

0700 Hours – 0700 Hours

Calls for Service – 68


0820 Hours – Theft – several bags of cans were stolen from a backyard; police are on the lookout for the subject.

1014 Hours – Theft – An approximately $800 laptop was believed to have been stolen in the last day; police are still investigating.

1021 Hours – Fraud – Complainant sent $4000 to purchase a puppy however did not receive it; still under investigation.

Police & Fire Report Mar. 25/24

Moose Jaw Police Service

March 24, 2024 – March 25, 2024

0700 hours – 1900 hours

Calls for Service-24


0735 hours. Unwanted Guest. Subject arrested for public intoxication.

0934 hours. Motor Vehicle Collision. Vehicle hit a post, approximately 6,000 in damages and 1 tow.

1338 hours. Suspicious Vehicle. Subject left upon police request.

1411 hours. Mischief to property. Approximately $500 in damages.

2022 hours. Theft. Still under investigation.

Police & Fire Report Mar. 23/24

Moose Jaw Police Service 

2024 March 22 – 2024 March 23 

0700 hours – 0700 hours 

Total Calls – 50 


1031 hours. Parking bylaw. Owner Notified to move vehicle. 

1050 hours. Unwanted guest. Subject left upon police request and situation mediated. 

1125 hour. Dispute. Advice provided. 

1256 hours. Well-being check. Subject located and is fine.  

1307 hours. Suspicious Vehicle. Vehicle located and driver too be spoken to. 

1332 hours. Suspicious Person. Subject located and was requested to move along.