Police & Fire Report Jan. 27/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 January 26 – 2023 January 27

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 46

0830 hours – Parking Bylaw – 2 parties were contacted by police, advised of the bylaw, and told to move vehicles within the next 48 hours.

1055 hours – Dispute – Dispute between two parties, mediated by police and advise given.

1222 hours – Theft – Two propane tanks stolen on January 24 from complainant, still under investigation by police.

1420 hours – Assist to Locate – Subject was located by police, safe, no other concerns.

Police & Fire Report Jan. 25/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 January 24 – 2023 January 25

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 49

0739 hours – Suspicious Person – Subject located and was sent on his way.

0843 hours – Fraud – originated in another province. Still under investigation

1115 hours – Parking Bylaw – Registered owner contacted to move the vehicle.

1233 hours – Motor Vehicle Accident –$2000 in damages, police assisted with name exchange.

1252 hours – Shoplifting –items taken from a store. Subject located items returned. SUI.

Police & Fire Report Jan. 24/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 January 23 – 2023 January 24

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 57

0947 hours – Mischief – Subject kicked door and damaged it, Subject identified and to be charged accordingly.

1036 hours – MVA Under – $10,000 dollars in damage, one vehicle towed. Still under investigation to locate subject and issue ticket.

1236 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject was advised to contact Office of Residential Tenancies, Still under investigation.

Police & Fire Report Jan. 20/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 January 19 – 2023 January 20

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls –44

0655 hours- Mischief- Dispute between two individuals. Situation mediated.

0730  hours- Suspicious Person- An individual was carrying items from store. Situation mediated

1059 hours- Dog Barking- Owner was warned of bylaw

1116 hours- Break and Enter- Someone entered vacant residence. Nothing stolen or damaged

1324 hours- Threats- Subject charged with utter threats and breach of probation

Police & Fire Report Jan. 19/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 January 18 – 2023 January 19

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 59

0837 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject was in stairwell and does not live in the building – Subject left cooperatively upon police arrival.

0850 hours – Theft under – Approximately $300 was stolen at a dwelling unit.

0917 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject was at a residence they were not welcomed at – Subject left prior to police arrival and steps were taken to ban the subject from the property.

Police & Fire Report Jan. 18/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 January 17 – 2023 January 18

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 38

0952 hours – Fraud Other – Fraudulent email, no information exchanged, and no money lost.

1129 hours – Mischief- Complainant spoken to by police and given advise to prevent future incidents.

1153 hours – Theft – 2 vehicle catalytic converters between January 5-12th, no cameras, still under investigation.

Police & Fire Report Jan. 17/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 January 16 – 2023 January 17

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 38

1002 hours – MVA Injury – Two vehicles, approximately $2000-$3000 in damages, one minor injury.

1055 hours – Suspicious Occurrence – Complainant was seeking advice regarding text message.

1248 hours – Break and Enter – Residence entered over the weekend, computer and tv were taken – still under investigation.

1438 hours – Theft – residence entered overnight, Laptop was stolen, still under investigation.

Police & Fire Report Jan. 16/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 January 15 – 2023 January 16

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 47

0915 hours – Theft Under – A businesses outside freezer was broken into a $1,500 of product was stolen. Still under investigation.

1014 hours – Dispute – Verbal dispute between two parties. Situation.

1028 hours – Theft Under – Residence entered overnight and $3,800 of items stolen.

1057 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject located and arrested for breach of release order condition.

Police & Fire Report Jan. 12/23

Moose Jaw Police Service 

2023 January 11 – 2023 January 12 

0700 hours – 0700 hours 

Total Calls – 57 

0702 hours – Unwanted Guest – Subject was sleeping in a business, police arrived and sent the subject on their way. 

0927 hours – Threats – Subject arrested and charged for uttering threats. 

1018 hours – MVA – Two vehicle accident with two tows required, no injuries, one ticket issued. 

1202 hours – Hit & Run – Vehicle was struck by another vehicle who fled, still under investigation. 

Police & Fire Report Jan. 11/23

Moose Jaw Police Service

2023 January 10– 2023 January 11

0700 hours – 0700 hours

Total Calls – 45

0704 hours- Dispute- Between two individuals. Advice given and situation mediated.

0810 hours- Unwanted Guest- Subject subsequently charged with mischief.

0947 hours- Assist to Locate- Subject located safely

0954 hours- Trespassing- Subject arrested and released for court on a later date.

1204 hours- Well Being Check- Subject located and is safe. Resources provided.