Everything old is new again after election returns virtually identical Parliament

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be returning to Ottawa without the majority government mandate Liberals had hoped for when he called the early election last month.

Early Tuesday, the Liberals were hovering between 155 and 157 seats. The former is the number they had when Trudeau called the election in August, and the latter is what they won in 2019.

The Conservatives were teetering on 121 or 122 seats, after winning 121 less than two years ago.

Leaders react to election results as Canadians face more of the same

Justin Trudeau acknowledges divisions were laid bare during the 36-day federal election campaign.

But the Liberal leader, who will remain Prime Minister for a third term, told supporters in his Montreal riding that Canadians are united in what they want from their government.

Trudeau's Liberals won another minority mandate -- not much different than the one from the 2019 election -- and he will face all of the same opposition leaders in the next Parliament.

Post-pandemic recovery a priority for re-elected MP Eric Melillo

It was a tight race throughout the night, but in the end, Kenora’s incumbent Member of Parliament Eric Melillo was re-elected by his constituents Monday night.

“We feel good about it. We had really strong support. I’m thankful for the opportunity to keep working and to keep serving the region,” said Melillo, after he joined his supporters at Bob’s Burgers in downtown Kenora.

"I think Eric is great": Janine Seymour congratulates Melillo

The road has ended for NDP candidate Janine Seymour as she lost the Kenora riding to incumbent Conservative MP Eric Melillo.

The final vote tally put Seymour at a total of 7,499 votes, only 2,817 votes behind winner Eric Melillo who finished the election with 10,316 votes.

“The whole campaign was an emotional roller coaster tonight was no exception. I wouldn't really say that it was low’s even now it was more the impact of everyone’s feelings around it and that was overwhelming,” said Seymour

Bruno looks forward to continue to help with Bill C-11

Even though David Bruno lost the election in the Kenora riding, he continues to look forward to helping the government with Canada’s new Digital Charter, Bill C-11.

"I'm pleased that I'm going to continue the work that I've started with the government. Bill C-11 still has work to be done," said David Bruno.

Bruno has contributed to Canada’s new Digital Charter, Bill C-11, which is a new Cyber Security policy, and has advocated for new Cyber laws to the Ministry of Public Safety for the RCMP.

2021 Federal Election: Results

The polls in Ontario are now closed.


Kenora Riding - 148 polls reporting (98%) - As of 1:10 a.m., September 21

David Bruno - Liberals - 4,807 votes

Craig Martin - People's Party of Canada - 1,558 votes

Eric Melillo - Conservative - 10,316 votes - Elected

Remi Rheault - Green Party - 347votes

Janine Seymour - NDP - 7,499 votes


National - Leading or elected - 170 needed for a majority

Eric Melillo re-elected

Incumbent Conservative MP Eric Melillo is heading back to Ottawa, as he's been re-elected to the Kenora riding.

By early morning on September 21, Melillo had a 2,939 vote lead over NDP candidate Janine Seymour.

Kenora Riding - 148 polls reporting (98%) - As of 1:10 a.m., September 21

David Bruno - Liberals - 4,807 votes

Craig Martin - People's Party of Canada - 1,558 votes

Eric Melillo - Conservative - 10,316 votes - Elected

Remi Rheault - Green Party - 347votes

Liberals will hold onto minority government

Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party will hang onto power for the next few years.

As of 11:35 p.m. Monday (Sept.20) night, the Liberals are projected to win 158 seats, 12 short of the required 170 seats to form a majority government.

“You are sending us back to work with a clear mandate to get Canada through this pandemic and to the brighter days ahead. My friends, that is exactly what we are ready to do,” said Trudeau.

The Conservatives will form the official opposition, winning a projected 121 seats which was the same election result for the party in 2019.

Liberal minority government projected

Justin Trudeau will return as Canada’s Prime Minister in another minority government.

The Liberals have been projected to form the government with the Conservative Party of Canada likely forming the official opposition to the Liberal Party. 

Trudeau called a snap election last month, two years ahead of schedule, as he and his party were hoping to form a majority government with 170 seats. The gamble did not pay off for Trudeau after the pivotal 36-day campaign. Trudeau first led the Liberals into power in 2015.