Former PMs, Canadian celebrities join delegation for queen's funeral in London

Canada is sending a handful of celebrities alongside its official delegation to the queen's state funeral Monday in London, England.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Gov. Gen. Mary Simon and their spouses are leading the delegation, which departs Friday, though it's unclear whether all guests will travel on the same aircraft.

The group will include former governors general Michaëlle Jean and David Johnston as well as former prime ministers Kim Campbell, Jean Chrétien, Paul Martin and Stephen Harper.

Legacy of Crown on display as MPs pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth in House of Commons

The tacit debate over the legacy of the Crown and Canada's future relationship with the monarchy began Thursday in the House of Commons as members of Parliament paid tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reminded the House of the enduring importance of the Crown as politicians of all political stripes rose in tribute to the queen during a special sitting of the House in recognition of her death last week.

'Wow factor': Public website reveals best-yet picture of hundreds of bird migrations

The piercing yellow eyes and deadly hunting skills of the snowy owl awe bird-lovers in the U.S. Midwest every winter. 

Now, thanks to what has been heralded as the most comprehensive summary of migration patterns ever assembled, those birders can see where those raptors migrated from: the Seal River watershed in northern Manitoba.

RCMP apprehension unit wasn't searching for Sask. suspect before stabbing rampage

The RCMP says a special unit dedicated to apprehending fugitives was not actively searching for a Saskatchewan man they believe to be responsible for a stabbing rampage that left 11 people dead and 18 others injured.

Myles Sanderson is the main suspect in the attacks in James Smith Cree Nation and Weldon, Sask., which prompted a four-day manhunt last week.

He was arrested on a rural stretch of highway last Wednesday, after which police say he went into "medical distress" and died in their custody. 

MPs to pay tribute to Queen Elizabeth in special sitting of House of Commons

Members of Parliament of all political stripes are expected to rise in tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth today during a special sitting of the House of Commons. 

The House Speaker is recalling MPs from their summer break early to commemorate the queen and her 70-year reign after she died last week. 

Pierre Poilievre is set to address the legislature as leader of the Conservative party for the first time, across the aisle from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is slated to kick off the speeches.

Dozens of cyberespionage operations perpetrated against Canada since 2010: study

A new academic analysis has identified at least 75 foreign digital operations of a malicious political or industrial nature directed at Canada since 2010 – from attempts to steal COVID-19-related research to the targeting of Uyghur human rights activists.

The report by researchers at the University of Quebec at Montreal’s Observatoire des conflits multidimensionals found cyberespionage accounted for more than half of these episodes.

'Prepared to wait all night': Long lines as Queen Elizabeth lies in state

Determined members of the public joined a lineup that stretched for kilometres along the south bank of the Thames River on Wednesday, waiting hours to pay their respects to Queen Elizabeth II as she began lying in state.

Equipped with sleeping bags, books and backpacks of food, they formed a queue that was nearly four kilometres long as of 6 p.m. local time. With Westminster Palace silhouetted across the river, people waited patiently as the line wound its way past the London Eye and across Lambeth Bridge.

POLL: Should every Canadian have a paid day off to mourn the Queen?

Queen Elizabeth II will be laid to rest on Monday, Sept. 19, and some people in Canada will have a paid day off while others will not.

On Tuesday Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the day would be a federal holiday to mourn the Queen. "Declaring an opportunity for Canadians to mourn on Monday is going to be important," the Prime Minister said at a caucus retreat in New Brunswick.

Poilievre's leadership win could signal change for social conservative wing of party

Pierre Poilievre's crushing win to become leader of the Conservative Party of Canada raises questions about the status and power of the party's social conservatives. 

That well-mobilized part of the party's base has played an important role in helping previous leaders achieve power, with some calling them "kingmakers." 

Some Indigenous leaders concerned about reconciliation with new monarch

Some Indigenous leaders and community members say they're concerned about making progress on reconciliation with King Charles III.

Treaty 8 Grand Chief Arthur Noskey says the Queen's death last week wasn't good timing, as First Nations were making progress in working with the Crown toward upholding treaty agreements. 

"We were building up not only the momentum, but letting (the Queen) know that the Crown and the relationship understood by our people is not what's being delivered by administrators," Noskey said from his office in Edmonton.