Power line safety a critical skill as harvest approaches

Power line safety is one topic farmers should memorize as harvest approaches with plenty of work on the horizon.

Many farmers will be moving giant machinery across fields for over 12 hours a day, and between the stress of harvest and fatigue, there's a lot of room to make a mistake.

SaskPower Spokesperson Scott McGregor talks about how farmers can prepare for the upcoming season.

Canada says travellers should exercise 'high degree of caution' in U.K. amid protests

The Canadian government has updated its travel advisory for the United Kingdom amid a rash of ongoing demonstrations. 

It says visitors should "exercise a high degree of caution" in the country and takes note of demonstrations and violent clashes between protesters and police over the past week. 

The travel advice cautions that even peaceful demonstrations can turn violent at any time and can deteriorate quickly.

La Nina conditions likely to avoid fall frosts for Canadian prairies

North America is currently in a transitory period in terms of weather systems, with the timing of that transition likely to affect conditions for crops around the prairies.

That'll eventually change into a LaNinna system, which for our southern neighbours means that frosts could creep in early and disrupt harvest.

Environment Canada Meteorologist Natalie Hasell says that people in the Canadian prairies don't need to worry as much.

Muenster's Marek Yeager named to Team Saskatchewan for 2024 Baseball Canada Cup

Muenster's Marek Yeager has been named to Team Saskatchewan that will be competing in the 2024 Baseball Canada Cup in Fort McMurray. A tournament that features some of the best baseball players in the country.  

Last night the opening ceremonies took place with Wednesday marking the first day of action. Saskatchewan will take on Quebec in their first game at 9:00. That will be followed with a matchup against Ontario at 3:00.  

City of Humboldt receives Housing Accelerator Funding approval

The City of Humboldt has announced an agreement of $2.3 million with the Government of Canada that will encourage the development of residential homes in the city.

Funding is through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) House Accelerator Fund (HAF) which provides funding straight to municipalities to incentivize and support initiatives aimed at increasing housing. 

The funding will help the City of Humboldt development goals which includes housing opportunities for residents and streamlining development permitting processes. 

STF says cell phones aren’t the real distraction in classrooms

The Saskatchewan Teachers Federation President says cell phones in the classroom may offer a distraction, but teachers have been managing cell phones in classrooms for over a decade and in some instances, it is used to support teaching.

The Government of Saskatchewan announced Monday that starting in September cell phones will not be allowed during class time at K to 12 schools in the province.

Province sees warm and dry July

It was a warm and dry July for the province according to Andy Yun, meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada. 

“It turns out for most areas in the southern Grain Belt, temperatures were pretty much above normal through the area.” 

Moose Jaw trended slightly warmer than normal at an average of 20 degrees. At 0.7 degrees warmer than normal, this made for the city’s 45th warmest July in 129 years.