Steinbach Credit Union tops $9 billion in assets

"We had a very good year in spite of the very different circumstances that we found ourselves in."

That is how the Chief Executive Officer for Steinbach Credit Union is describing their last year. SCU held its annual general meeting on Tuesday and Glenn Friesen says it was a year that saw them get to $9.1 billion in assets and grow to more than 106,000 members.

It was also a year that started with the lowest interest rates in Canadian history and ended with the fastest growing interest rates in many, many generations. 

Goertzen in Ottawa to discuss bail reform

Manitoba Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen is in Ottawa today for a meeting on bail reform.

Goertzen says justice ministers met in Halifax last fall and have a unified opinion that bail reform is needed. 

"We're seeing far too many individuals who are violent offenders, who are getting bail very easily and then committing another crime when they are out on bail," explains Goertzen. 

Goertzen in Ottawa to discuss bail reform

Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen is in Ottawa today for a meeting on bail reform.

Goertzen says justice ministers met in Halifax last fall and have a unified opinion that bail reform is needed. 

"We're seeing far too many individuals who are violent offenders, who are getting bail very easily and then committing another crime when they are out on bail," explains Goertzen. 

Public sessions in Ste. Agathe discuss raising the dike

Our province is in the planning stages of raising the dike at Ste. Agathe. And the public was invited to offer feedback.

Mitch Duval is Chief Administrative Officer for the Rural Municipality of Ritchot. He says public engagement sessions took place yesterday where residents could discuss design options and provide their thoughts.

Southern Manitoba could see 30 centimetres of snow this week

Our stretch of clear, dry weather in southern Manitoba is about to come to an end. In fact, by the time you go to bed Sunday night, there could be a whole lot more snow on the ground.

Natalie Hasell with Environment Canada says this week we will feel the effects of several low-pressure systems. For the Red River Valley, the total accumulation of new snow this week could be 30 centimetres, if not more. Much greater accumulations are anticipated south of the border.

Expect slow transition to spring and cooler than normal

The Senior Climatologist with Environment Canada says it will not be a quick transition to spring in southern Manitoba.

March 1st marks the first day of spring on the meteorological calendar. For those who buy into the theory that if March comes in like a lamb, it will go out like a lion, or vice versa, David Phillips says March in southern Manitoba is actually coming in more like frozen mutton. He notes the first two days of March are expected to be cooler than normal before we soar above the freezing mark on Friday. 

Silica sand project would employ hundreds; municipalities concerned over drinking water

The President and Chief Executive Officer for Sio Silica says gaining the necessary approvals for their proposed extraction project in southeastern Manitoba would pump more than one billion dollars into the Manitoba economy over the lifetime of the project.

Expect slow transition to spring and cooler than normal

The Senior Climatologist with Environment Canada says it will not be a quick transition to spring in southern Manitoba.

March 1st marks the first day of spring on the meteorological calendar. For those who buy into the theory that if March comes in like a lamb, it will go out like a lion, or vice versa, David Phillips says March in southern Manitoba is actually coming in more like frozen mutton. He notes the first two days of March are expected to be cooler than normal before we soar above the freezing mark on Friday.