Wood carvings stolen during raffle in support of Ukraine

Emerson RCMP are investigating a theft that was reported last weekend during the Canada Day festivities in Vita. 

Organizer Ang Boychuk was volunteering at the festival when the theft happened. 

“We had a wood carver who was displaying some pieces that he was selling raffle tickets to, to raise money for Ukraine,” she explains. “He did raise a phenomenal amount of money however four pieces of his art went missing on Friday night.” 

Further openings announced for Whiteshell Provincial Park

Manitoba Parks has announced some additional reopenings in the Whiteshell.

Provincial Road (PR) 307 in Whiteshell Provincial Park is now fully open through the north Whiteshell area from Seven Sisters Falls to Rennie. Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure is continuing ongoing repairs of PR 307 and floodwaters remain on the road in some areas. Expect delays when travelling in the park, use caution and drive slowly when coming up to or passing work crews.

Warm and dry for your Canada Day long weekend

A meteorologist with Environment Canada says though it will not be a very hot long weekend for southern Manitoba, it should at least be dry.

Natalie Hasell says right now it looks as though Canada Day will be the nicest day this weekend. That day should be sunny with a high of 25 degrees. She notes Saturday looks to be mainly sunny and 23 and then Sunday is mainly sunny and 26, though there is a chance of thunderstorms Sunday evening. 

"We have a number of days that we can actually enjoy a long weekend in southern Manitoba," she says.

Vita celebrates its 23 graduates

The grade 12 class at Shevchenko School in Vita walked into the school as students the for last time last week but left as graduates. 

The school and community celebrated the 23 students who received their high school diplomas. 

"They are a really great group of kids," says Principal Peter Osadchuk. "I would say that they are a tight-knit group that really has formed really good relationships with each other. Good academically, good athletes, just all around some really, really good people."

Falk talks gun control, inflation and support for Ukraine as Parliament breaks for summer

The Member of Parliament for Provencher is disappointed in the last bill that made it through the House of Commons on Thursday.
The first session of the 44th Parliament ended Thursday afternoon and Ted Falk says the Liberal/ NDP coalition pushed through Bill C-21, which would strengthen gun laws in Canada. Falk says the "firearms community" is disappointed with this legislation. 

Province announces $20M to support students and learning

Our provincial government has announced more funding for Manitoba schools.

The Manitoba government is allocating more than $20 million to build on previous investments that strengthen student support and learning across kindergarten to Grade 12 schools in the upcoming school year. Education and Early Childhood Learning Minister Wayne Ewasko made that announcement Thursday morning.

Conditions slowly improving at flooded Manitoba Provincial Park campgrounds

Conditions continue to improve in Whiteshell Provincial Park. That is according to Manitoba Parks, which says floodwaters continue to recede.

Water levels on the Winnipeg and Whiteshell rivers have been receding and the next phases of reopening are being implemented. Provincial Road (PR) 307 remains closed to all traffic between Nutimik and Betula lakes. Betula Lake can now be accessed on PR 307 from the south via Rennie for permanent residents, cottagers, and businesses only. Residents returning to Betula Lake can expect to travel through floodwaters.

Local state of emergency extended in Whiteshell

The local state of emergency has been extended for Whiteshell Provincial Park.

Despite improving conditions on the Winnipeg River and many lakes and streams, the province says unusually high water levels continue to cause potentially hazardous conditions in some areas of the park, posing a significant risk to public safety. 

The current order is set to expire on June 19th. The new order will expire on July 18th.