Curator excited for new exhibit featuring early Mennonite photographers

Early in the new year, Mennonite Heritage Village in Steinbach will be hosting a unique exhibit put on by the Mennonite Historic Arts Committee. It is based on a large-scale coffee table book of photography called "Mennonite Village photography: Views from Manitoba". 

Senior curator Andrea Klassen says this exhibit features a beautiful collection of never-before-seen photographs left behind by four Manitoba Mennonite photographers from the early twentieth century. Two are from the East Reserve while the other two are from the West Reserve.

Singin' in the Grain returns Sunday afternoon to Winkler's Emmanuel Mennonite Church

It's that time of year again - time for the "Singin' in the Grain" concerts that raise money for the Canadian Food Grains Bank.

Organizer Pearl Braun-Dyck tells us that the concerts will be featuring the Steinbach Regional Secondary School Chamber Choir under the direction of Krystal Peters and the Westgate Mennonite Collegiate Concert Choir under the direction of Victor Pankratz.

Feel the benefits of fall yard work

With fall clean-up in full swing, we are challenged to consider how we look at our list of tasks we need to complete. 

“There are so many people who say that they get peace, they get comfort, and it's fun,” says Carla Hrycyna, host of the Lawn and Garden Journal. “Don't get me wrong, it's a lot of work, but the rewards are worth it and we're dealing with so many things of putting plants in, harvesting, enjoying the harvest.” 

As we get through our list of fall clean-up duties, we are encouraged to appreciate the value in everything we do. 

Feel the benefits of fall yard work

With fall clean-up in full swing, we are challenged to consider how we look at our list of tasks we need to complete. 

“There are so many people who say that they get peace, they get comfort, and it's fun,” says Carla Hrycyna, host of the Lawn and Garden Journal. “Don't get me wrong, it's a lot of work, but the rewards are worth it and we're dealing with so many things of putting plants in, harvesting, enjoying the harvest.” 

As we get through our list of fall clean-up duties, we are encouraged to appreciate the value in everything we do. 

Expert gives tips for fall gardening

The calendar indicates the fall season is underway, but it is still warm enough to comfortably tackle some work with outdoor plants. 

Carly Hyrcyna, host of the Lawn and Garden Journal, says this is the right time to plan your fall gardening tasks. 

"Grab your cup of tea or coffee in the morning, go and assess your yard to see where there are areas needing assistance." 

Expert gives tips for fall gardening

The calendar indicates the fall season is underway, but it is still warm enough to comfortably tackle some work with outdoor plants. 

Carly Hyrcyna, host of the Lawn and Garden Journal, says this is the right time to plan your fall gardening tasks. 

"Grab your cup of tea or coffee in the morning, go and assess your yard to see where there are areas needing assistance."

Shevchenko School and Vita Foodbank receive unexpected donations

Two groups are getting some unexpected money, thanks to the hundreds of people who attended the 19th annual Sundown Gymkhana last month. 

The dust has settled, and all the money counted. 

Carla Campbell says the committee decided to give $1,000 to Shevchenko School for outdoor sports programming. 

Why so many Asian lady beetles, moths and boxelder bugs?

Some Manitobans are noticing a lot of beetles and moths these days. 

“There are some areas where there are a lot of the Asian lady beetles,” says entomologist John Gavloski with Manitoba Agriculture. “The boxelder bug, it would probably depend on what kind of trees are growing nearby. In areas where there are a lot of maple trees, particularly Manitoba Maple, you’d have more boxelder bugs. 

Why so many Asian lady beetles, moths and boxelder bugs?

Some Manitobans are noticing a lot of beetles and moths these days. 

“There are some areas where there are a lot of the Asian lady beetles,” says entomologist John Gavloski with Manitoba Agriculture. “The boxelder bug, it would probably depend on what kind of trees are growing nearby. Areas where there are a lot of maple trees, particularly Manitoba Maple, you’d have more boxelder bugs.