Millions of reasons to search lost-money database

The Alberta government is seeking the rightful owners of a combined $154 million in unclaimed money and property.

Alberta’s unclaimed property registry holds money that is lost, abandoned or forgotten. The registry currently contains millions in cash, cheques, money orders and other unclaimed items belonging to people who may be entitled to an unexpected payout.

Team Alberta unsuccessful in appeal of controversial loss

Team Alberta was unsuccessful in appealing the controversial finish to a semifinal game against Quebec in the Football Canada Cup on July 11.

Alberta believed there were zeros on the clock before a time count violation penalty was called against Quebec. Two plays occurred before Quebec's Tristan Charpentier kicked the winning 32-yard field goal.

In its review, Football Canada said there was 7/10ths of a second remaining on the clock when the official began to pull his flag.

Local MP says 2023 extremely challenging for Canadians

Local MP Blake Richards is troubled by the crushing financial realities for Canadians in 2023 and blames it on the federal government's excessive spending and poor decisions.

Noting it's hardly a highlight, Richards says the Trudeau government has added another $100 billion onto the country's debt load and will post a $40 billion deficit in 2023 alone.

Family left waiting to see accused murderer

Nearly a dozen members of the family of Pauline Brazeau were in Cochrane Provincial Court today (Nov. 21) in hopes of getting a glimpse of her accused murderer of nearly 47 years ago.

Ronald James Edward, 74, did not make an appearance. Instead, newly-appointed counsel Pawel Milczarek appeared before Justice Marian De Souza to request disclosure documents from the Crown.

The case returns to Cochrane court on Dec. 5, and Brazeau's family intends to return in hopes of finally seeing the accused. 

Search continues for human remains in Bragg Creek area

Calgary Police Services continue their search for possible human remains in the Bragg Creek area from a missing person file over two decades old.

In a press conference this afternoon, S.Sgt. Sean Gregson of the CPS Major Crimes Section provided limited details on the search being conducted on a private property south of the hamlet along Hwy. 762.

"While investigators are on scene searching for possible human remains, this search continues in an exploration stage, and no discoveries have been made so far," said Gregson.

MP Blake Richards shocked by vandalism of Vimy Ridge Memorial

MP Blake Richards representing the riding of Banff-Airdrie and the Conservative shadow minister for Veterans Affairs, and Pierre Paul-Hus, Quebec political lieutenant, have released a joint statement regarding the vandalization of the Vimy Ridge Memorial in France:

“We are shocked and disturbed to learn that Canada’s Vimy Ridge Memorial in France has been vandalized," it states. “This abhorrent act is an affront to the thousands of Canadians who made the ultimate sacrifice at Vimy Ridge in the service of Canada."

Schultz says province exploring options on outstanding taxes

Alberta Municipal Affairs minister Rebecca Schultz has made a statement on $268 million in unpaid taxes by some oil and gas companies to rural municipalities.

"We agree with the Rural Municipalities Association’s (RMA) assessment that the problem of unpaid oil and gas taxes to rural municipalities is unacceptable," says Schultz in a statement issued late yesterday afternoon.  "We are consulting with industry, municipalities, and landowners as we actively explore options to ensure taxes are paid as a condition of license transfer."

Alberta RCMP commanding officer responds to proposed policing model

The commanding officer of the Alberta RCMP says they are future-focussed and flexible, changing as the safety and security needs of Albertans change.

He also says its budget and staffing levels are determined by the Alberta government, and that its provincial policing priorities are developed with the province's oversight and approval.

Last night, Deputy Commissioner Curtis Zablocki issued a statement in response to the release of the Alberta government's proposed police deployment model should a provincial police force be established.

Alberta's close-knit darts community rolls into Cochrane

The Alberta darts community is alive and well and recently rolled into the Cochrane Lions Event Centre for the much-loved Shoot on the Bow.

The ranked tournament featured a who's-who of Alberta's darts scene. The sport successfully combines extremely tight competition with a chance to rub elbows with other archers from around the province and create some lifelong friendships along the way.

Many have been here several times in the past, including Kathy Pasjack, Darts Alberta publicity director, of Grande Prairie.