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Tonight at 7:30 at St. Andrews River Heights United Church the Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg (WMC) will be holding their annual scholarship winners recital.

Six marvelous Manitoba musicians have won more than 11 thousand dollars in prizes and tonight they will have the opportunity to show what set them apart from the rest.

Christina Thanisch-Smith is the winner of the top prize of $3000 from the WMC. This is not her first time winning a prize at the scholarship competition. She has won in previous years, and her relationship with the WMC is very deep and heartfelt. “It’s a relationship I am incredibly grateful for…I couldn’t be doing what I’m doing without the support from the ladies at WMC. This is my third time receiving a scholarship from them. I’m really happy that I can come back and do this concert for them. The amount of support they [WMC] give to Winnipeg singers I think is something you don’t get in other cities. To come back and have that continues support is really special.”

Thanisch-Smith will be performing music of Gounod and Amy Beach on tonight’s concert, which is suret o be something really special.

Alongside Thanisch Smith, will be the other five winners of scholarships from the WMC. Sam Ferguson, trumpet, River Sawchyn, violin, Alice Macgregor, soprano, and pianists Ari Hooker, and Angela Suet Kee Ng.

For more details on tonight's Scholarship Winners Concert visit the Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg’s website.
