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two women on horseback riding through a cow herd checking animals (from Sask Ministry of Agriculture)
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Photo supplied by Saskatchewan's Ministry of Agriculture

Women from around the southwest will be gathering in Rockglen this year for the 7th annual Celebrating Rural Ranching Women event.

The two-day event is dedicated to celebrating the strength of Saskatchewan’s rural women. 

Livestock and feed extension specialist Jordan Johnson says this year's event runs February 1st and 2nd with Thursdays session focusing on ranch management.

"Local nurse practitioner Aubrey Tollefson will discuss strategies to manage mental health on your operation. Roxanne Olynyk and Laura Tourand with MNP will discuss common hurdles they encounter with succession planning and how to overcome them. The afternoon will wrap up with a hands-on session focused on communication and conflict management led by Scott Cruikshank, a dispute resolution consultant with the Ministry of Justice. Following a break for supper, attendees have the option to participate in a networking and sign painting activity with Starlight Market."

Friday the focus is more on production with updates on topics such as Gopher control, polycropping, grasshopper control and grassland and pasture rejuvenation. 

"Friday’s production-focused agenda begins with a rotation of technical updates on gopher control methods, polycrops, grasshopper control in forages, restoring native grasslands, and the importance of litter for pasture management followed by a presentation on nutritional management considerations for herds experiencing high open rates. The afternoon features a discussion on internal parasite control methods for cattle and horses with local veterinarian Dr. Bonnie Brandt from Borderland Veterinary Clinic. Livestock and Feed Extension Specialist, Chelsey Siemens, will lead a hands-on session on using EPD’s to select bulls and heifers for your operation. The event will conclude with a producer panel session featuring several local producers and will discuss strategies their operations have used to make genetic improvements in their herd while keeping narrow margins top of mind."

Tickets are available until January 24th and can be purchased here.

For more information on the event or for assistance with registration, please call the Agriculture Knowledge Centre at 1-866-457-2377.
