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(Dead of Winter Instagram)

Dead of Winter continues their Truth and Reconciliation concert series this weekend presenting Andrew Balfour’s “Transformation.” 

“Reconciliation is not a destination, it is an ongoing ispiciwin – ongoing journey,” says composer and Dead of Winter Artistic Director Andrew Balfour. “That to, me, is the vital part of our understanding about truth – tapwe, the Cree word for truth – and ispiciwin, journey, and reconciliation.”  

The multi-concert series has seen performances in various provinces and locales to help build understanding, commonality, and healing. 

“We’re just trying to do what we can to heal multigeneration wounds for my people,” says Balfour.  



In its latest iteration, Dead of Winter will perform new music by two of its regular associates: Balfour’s Macimanito? (Demon?) and conductor/curator Mel Braun’s Tree of Life (A Boreal Motet). They will also be performing works by two guest Canadian composers: Ismaili Muslim composer Hussein Jamohamed who is of Southeast Asian East African descent and Sherryl Sewepagaham of Little Red River Cree First Nation who is of Woodland Cree and Dene ancestry.  

All four were part of a composers’ retreat which took place last August in the Southern Manitoba heritage village of Neubergthal. 

“We always think carefully about, depending on Andrew’s guidance, who we want to invite,” says Braun.  

“All of these composers, in their own way, are working toward this idea of ‘how do you heal this fractured world that we’re in?’” he explains.  

Hence the theme for the concert: transformation.  

In addition to the singers of Dead of Winter, the concert features cellist Leanne Zacharias and traditional Indigenous Songkeeper Cory Campbell. 

Saturday, February 24 at the Ukrainian Labour Temple (591 Pritchard Ave.) beginning at 7:30 p.m.  

For more information and tickets, visit: www.deadofwinter.ca
