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For 130 years The Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg (WMC) has been bringing the best in classical music to Winnipeggers. They have invited internationally renowned artists to their concerts stage, such as Glenn Gould Teresa Stratus, Anton Kuerti, and even Sergei Rachmaninov.

In addition to their various concert series they have supported and promoted Manitoba artists such as, David Moroz, Mel Braun, Valdine Anderson, and Tracy Dahl and the list goes on and on.

This Saturday, April 13th starting at 11:00am at the Leaf in Assiniboine Park, the WMC will be holding a champagne brunch that will feature one of its former scholarship winners; the celebrated playwright, novelist and musician Tomson Highway. The presentation will feature songs and stories told in a way that only he knows how to tell.

For WMC committee chairwomen Alison Baldwin, hitting the milestone of 130 years is thrilling. “It’s very exciting. When you have these sorts of celebrations it really gives you the opportunity to look back at what has happened over the last 130 years, and celebrate those sorts of achievements…in a city like Winnipeg that is so culturally rich.”

The WMC will be joined by the renowned Canadian literary and musical icon Tomson Highway at the Gala. Highway won a $500.00 scholarship from the WMC back in 1974, and credits the WMC for supporting him in his music education at The University of Western Ontario. Tomson would go on to earn a B.A. Honors in Music there.

Baldwin reached out to Highway after seeing his name listed in a book called With Every Note Played, which is a history of the Women’s Musical Club. As she explains, “I was looking at the scholarship section from 1915 when the scholarship started…and I really didn’t recognize any of the names, but I got to 1974 and there was a Tom Highway listed…and I thought ‘I wonder if he remembers us.’ I wrote to him and pressed send on the Friday evening; and to my utter delight and astonishment, when I woke up on Saturday morning there was a reply from him.”

Highway responded that he remembers all the fine work that the WMC does, and that he was eager to perform at the gala. He will be playing piano and telling some of the stories that have made him a Canadian cultural institution. Joy and happiness are hallmarks of Highway’s character and this wit, drama, and humanity are sure to be infectious for all those who attend.

It is sure to be a once in a lifetime opportunity to see Tomson Highway and also celebrate 130 years of The Women’s musical Club of Winnipeg.

Here’s to 130 more!!
